#1 The time to kill using Hard light is .07 seconds faster then Thorn.
#2 Hard lights secret perk gives you a speed boost faster then Mida Multi-Tool.
#3 Hard lights rounds penetrate Titan bubbles.
#4 Hard light has the highest critical head shot damage for an auto rifle.
#5 Hard lights rounds bounce off walls giving you an advantage when spraying.
#6 Hard lights rounds deal a higher damage after the ricochet
Link above shows statistic comparison ^^
Red death is better than both
-blam!- your link
Hold on, I had hard light months ago, when pretty much everyone was declaring it the worst exotic in the game (pre dark below) I only remember it as a recoil nightmare, what/has something changed?
Hard light is actually pretty good everyone who thinks its ass is a noob cannon fan
*than, not then
If you can control the bloody thing it's great.
You sure?
It is better..........................If your target is standing still, doesn't shoot you, and has no armor.
Hard Light will be even better after the 2.0 update.
Atheons epilogue kills hard light m8
Bump bump bump! And guess what? Auto rifles gonna get a buff and people gonna complain and more nerfs will follow shortly
Hard light destroys any weapon.
This guy knows what he's talking about.
True wisdom right here