Python and Jessica walk over, both heavily armed. Python has his shotguns hanging on his thighs, Vulcans on his back and rifle in his hand, pistol at his right hip and sword at the left. Jessica walks up with her rifle in hand, pistol across her lower back and a knife at her calf. Python speaks first.
"So, we're just waiting for the rest of the team?"
*We warp in* "Give em hell!" *the turrets on the flagship fire at your gunship*
The gunship opens fire, launching it's missiles at the carrier.
*the turrets explode in a fiery flame* *the hangar dispatches two gunships towards us* *i engage one with one of my missile pods and eliminate it* *the other goes for you*
Our gunship quickly begins to engage the enemy gunship.
*after a while of fighting we're out of missiles* "Go for the hangar!"
"I'll see you there." Python voice booms through the mic as the gunship flies towards the hangar.
*My gunship gets clipped and semi crash lands on the way in*
My gunship lands ok and Python opens the door and steps out. He begins firing wildly Jessica stays back and shoots at the enemy soldiers from a distance.
*You see Murph climb out of the rubble and throw the wing of the gunship at some troops* "I think I'll need a ride out of here."
Python nods and turns to Jessica. "Stay with Murph! I'm gonna go help Phantom and Jack!" "Roger that." Python takes off, running through walls until he hits Ash from the side. [spoiler]Just saved Phantom's ass[/spoiler]
"Basically." [b]There are 3 gunships.[/b] "Minerva and I will take one, you and Jessica can take one, and the others can fill in."
He nods. "Good luck. Stay out of my way if I get mad, blah blah blah. Just don't get killed." He smiles and walks over to his own gunship, checking his rifle again. Jessica follows.
"Loud and proud, let's do this." *Murph's gunship revs to life and takes off*
They climb in and take off following you. Jessica talks to both you and Python. Genesis Comms: "So where is Ash?"
"Stasis cell. Doc implanted her with some serum that has a 50% chance of killing her, after Phantom removed her cybernetics."
Genesis Comms: "Good to know."