Just curious :P Mines probably the new monarchy shader, Praetorian Foil, the conduit the original fwc pulse rifle, the beta and founder emblems, the GameStop sparrow, and finally the focused light from the red bull codes :P
EDIT: Let's bring the forum back to life :) Taking King has been out for a little over a month now so what is some new loot you guys have got?? Let me know down below! For me it's probably a fusion rifle with 2x knee pads (didn't know that was possible), the debt unpaid from the cryptarch, and the raid handcannon and sniper with firefly :)
I don't know, probably Necrochasm, but I haven't actually seen numbers of who has what. The one that feels the rarest to me is the Dreamwaker I blew over 15,000 glimmer on. Void, tracking, tripod. I am currently saving up glimmer to try rerolling my Admonisher III some more. Trying to get arc, tracking, tripod. I'm about 10,000 glimmer in so far and broke. Is it worth it ... NO, but I want to have a legendary tracking tripod launcher in each element. HoC technically doesn't have tripod, but close enough.