Why would I have a ps4? Don't I play ps3 with my brothers, so I can't own a ps4?
Can you say poop? [spoiler]I had a 360, and transferred over to ps4 with my best friend, because we thought it was the more promising system moving forward.[/spoiler]
Think Walmart will have a good deal on black Friday?
A good deal for the ps4, if so I bet they will? If you mean in general, I can pretty much guarantee you they will can't I?
It really isn't even black Friday anymore, is it? Don't most deals start Thursday?
Isn't black Friday in November?
Didn't I mean to say, Don't most black Friday deals start Thursday(thanksgiving) in November?
Did I just understand what you were getting at? Do you plan on using these deals to get a ps4?
Why wouldn't I get a ps4? Isnt moving next-gen fun?
Can EVERYONE afford to go next-gen?
Won't everyone someday? Won't game companies stop making last-gen games soon?
Do people not continue to play last-gen games as long as possible? Are there not people that went through their entire childhood, even up to know, with a Nintendo 64 or Gamecube, simply because they had no need for another console and were satisfied until they got out of the house?
Are you really smart? Don't you seem to know alot? [spoiler]No Satire[/spoiler]
Edited by Phøtøn: 8/16/2015 3:49:59 AMNo satire, or no sarcasm XD ? [spoiler]If you were for realzies, I guess you could say I'm smart, but I hate arrogant people, and it makes me sick when other people think I am. Call me arrogant, and it is probably the worst insult possible for me :([/spoiler] [spoiler]You seem smart as well, haha, you in a gifted program or something special?[/spoiler]
Didn't I say no satire/sarcasm in the spoiler? [spoiler]#1 in my class...No such gifted programs where I'm from[/spoiler]
Can one really be sure in these trying times? [spoiler]Woooooooo, both valedictorians XD How big is your class. btw, no reply=asleep[/spoiler]
You didn't believe me? I haven't earned your trust yet? What can I do to earn it? [spoiler]I wish I could say, "yeah my class has 763 people,"....but in truth...my class only has 51...still #1 though...[/spoiler]
I trust you, but do you trust me? [spoiler]Hey, that's still awesome, don't feel bad[/spoiler]
Why wouldn't I trust you? Isnt the majority of life, based on trust and believing in others?
Wasn't I saying before that it is hard to trust people in this day and age just by the sheer number of horrible people that count on your trust to hurt you? So we trust each other?
As long as your not one of "those people," don't I have reason to trust you? [spoiler]I lost our conversation :( I had to go through this whole forum post to find it( Alot of people replied to me in my forum post lol) [/spoiler]
Of course I would trust you, shouldn't I trust you if you sifted through this enormous forum just to find our conversation and make me feel so special? [spoiler]What's your forum on, I go look at it ;)[/spoiler]
Isnt it funny how this conversation started? Just a simple question, "Is he gone yet?"
Doesn't conversation need only a spark to flourish?
Isnt that being proved right here? Aren't I somewhat socially awkward but can communicate once a conversation has begun?