I am the best becoose I get a 1kd and I downt even kneed an OP wepon like thorn. I only kneed my the last word wich I kan use wel becoose I'm skilld. Its not actooly a good wepon but it is wen I use it.
I can feel the power all the way from behind my computer monitor... And this power is great...
Thunder...thunder...thunder.... ...troll
o em jee how does eye bee em ell jee liek u?
Perhaps you should spend longer in school than on Destiny?
You 'kneed' to go back to school & learn how to read & write.
I wish I was on this level
Trying too hard. Be more subtle next time.
Meh b8
Your probably 7 years old
You're excellent at spelling as well, Desticle.
Less video games and more reading for you
U da beess, u have a better kaydee than me o: ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]