He reaches further into the envelope to see what it is.
"Murph, it's basically someone thanking us for something and begging us to not shoot them on sight."
The item is a watch, the time is an hour fast, but it has no way too change it.
He inspects the watch.
The watch seems a bit heavier than most, and you see a weird circle in the middle.
He pokes at the circle and Jessica looks over. "What's that?" "A watch." "Well, duh. Where'd you get it?" "It was in the envelope."
It starts ticking in a weird fashion and in a weird sound. [spoiler]The fashion is "Duh duh da Du" in a constant repeating order[/spoiler]
He inspects the watch again, curious.
[b]Comms:[/b] "Aye Python. I have one of your drinks lethal took from you. He told me to return it to you."
He activates comms and speaks. "Thanks. Leave it in my room would you?"
"Yeah no problem." [b]He walks to your room.[/b]
He turns off his comms.
[b]He gets to your room and sets the bottle on a desk.[/b]
Eh, I don't trust it...
"Neither do I. Good cupcakes though."
I don't trust those either.
"What's gonna happen? It's a cupcake."
"Who's thanking us? For what?"
"Doesn't say." Jessica speaks up, eating a cupcake. "These are good."
"Waitwaitwaitwait, shoot on sight? Is this that guy who shot my arm the other day? Who won't explain himself? What if he gathered us all here to sabotage us?"
And you people ate his cupcakes... [b]I shake my head[/b]
"Well... They tasted good."
Right up until the tranq hits...
"I've built up an immunity to common tranq stuff when I was training Minerva. She would flail and make me stick myself with the needles."
But don't you think they would have something stronger than common tranq if they are trying to poison us?
"Yeah. But cupcakes though." *Murph gets a comms call* "Envelope? Some guy's blind? Where?" "Phantom, something's happening in the hangar."
I told you. I f***ing called it. C'mon. [b]We head to the Hanger[/b]