The Exceptionals. A group created to get a solid team ready for a more competitive Destiny. Next to that we provide help to new Destiny players in our group to get their weekly challanges done. If they feel motivated for it we will help them and turn them into experienced veterans.
We are searching for active, involved and motivated new members. We are focusing mainly on raids, crucible and some nightfalls ofcourse. We are working on Twitch streaming channels and are planning on constantly uploading youtube video's aswell. We search for both American and European players on the PS4. If your interested feel free to join up and introduce yourself, or hit me up in a private message for some more information.
If not convinced yet, then check out the youtube video for what Exceptionals can do on a control crucible match! Here is the link incase above doesn't work.
Link to group.
Comeback Season now recruiting American teenagers. We have a 40 player max limit on the clan so you actually know who your playing with. your going to build a strong relationship with the people in the clan and finish things faster unlike going to LFG on here. We have a PS4 group chat so everyone knows when someone needs help or wants to do something. Add mangojuice24 on PS4. You will not join until we talk in a party ❎❎