Please Bungie please don't have Bromingul again on any of your streams. Datto would be the best choice for PvE, and TripleWreck for the PvP.
If i remember right all the streamers that were there dont want to do it again
That's not true at all. I'm sure Bromingul and Goth has been begging Bungie/Deej to invite them back. The last time around is how their viewership jumped. It's all about the money for those guys, which is why they jock ride Bungie so much. It's a no brainer for Bungie to use Datto and/or someone from PlanetDestiny. Everyone knows this.
Edited by DaWG4331: 8/11/2015 4:44:26 AMI normally watch Triple when i do watch twitch but as far as ive heard from triple and others was that they told bungie not to invite them back. But to invite other people But i agree Datto and planet destony guys would be cool