Petition to have DattoDoesDestiny as a community representative in the upcoming Taken King Twitch reveals.
He's much more mature than the HoW community representatives and I bet he will find out everything we want to know.
Sign for Datto!
Edit: For those who don't agree. Try to explain why not. Also, thanks for bumping!
Edit: Come on guys. Mature opinions would be greatly appreciated :/. Lots of people signing! :)
Edit: Cozmo replied! Woo!
Other suggested representatives:
Planet Destiny Team
Sc Slayerage
More console
Mr Fruit
[b]Obligatory "We have 1000+ bumps, including Cozmo" edit.[/b]
who is this?
Datto and mr.fruit
Datto or mr fruit
Nope just bungie peeps
Signed. Having Datto or any of the PlanetDestiny crew on board would be awesome.
Uh, better than bromnigul atleast.
Edited by Gary_the_Snail_3: 8/11/2015 3:33:29 AMSigned
Don't care as long as it's not bromnigul
YESSSS!! He's way better than anyone else (not literally). He does challenges and then everyone else copies off of him. Plus he acts mature unlike some people that Deej picks from twitch. He should also choose Mr. Fruit as well!!!!
Pepsi bottle, Coca Cola Glass *Poors Pepsi into The Coca Cola glass* I don't give a damn. *Thug Lyfe music plays and "Thug Lyfe" fades into screen while a Sweg hat, Gold Chain and joint spin into place*
I agree completely, but when are the streams happening?
This would be perfect.
(>'.')> <('.'<) (^'.'^) <('.')> (v'.'v) ^('.')> <('.')^ (v'.')> <('.'v) (v'.'^) (^'.'v) ( '.') ('.' ) [spoiler]You have been greeted by Dancing Kirby[/spoiler]
Sign, I really like datto
Datto is the most knowledgeable Destiny youtuber out there followed closely in second by Byf.
Please Bungie please don't have Bromingul again on any of your streams. Datto would be the best choice for PvE, and TripleWreck for the PvP.