I can't believe EA is ripping out this piece of Battlefront uniqueness. And may i add that there isn't even a campaign. A FREAKING CAMPAIGN. This ended my hype. Nevermind, this downright DESTROYED my hype for this game.
Edit- some people misunderstood so I specified galactic conquest.
Edit - I had no resentment toward EA till now.
I swear people don't understand what a reboot is. The fact that it is a new Battlefront and not a Battlefront III means that it's not going to be a continuation of the old series. It's its own separate thing.
The poll is a heavily biased and incredibly isolating. OP has no thread making skills or self control. 1/10. Also, old news is old.
>goes back to play Battlefront 2 campaign >Hates it
"Ahhhhh oh my god why can't I play this single player mode when I'm clearly going to play multiplayer more since all fps campaign suck but ahhhhhh muh story" Summary of op's post I'll miss galactic conquest though but I'll live without it
People only played Battlefront for Instant Action
Srsly, what is up with all these campaignless games
I wanna buy this game cuz star wars but ugh it will be so shitty I just know it so I'm a pass on this one
While everybody's playing the new battlefront, I'll just be playing Battlefront 2 on my PS2/PC.
No campaign? Well, the chances of me getting this game went from 20% to 0%. Only reason I ever play shooters. Wasn't too hyped for the game anyways, though. Aside from the "Star Wars" title there wasn't much that sounded good about it.
Also no space battles :) or AI, or a lot of the things that made battlefront battlefront
I loved it, but I'm still gonna get the game. And what would the campaign even be? It takes place during the Original Trilogy, so it'd be confusing to have it make sense without being the movies.
Yeah, I'm sure you're so angry that you'll wait until the day before to pre-order. Until then, have fun with your misplaced rage.
Meh. It killed time. Thats about it. It was only fun with friends. And the campaign was garbage.
Sad news indeed.
You expected a campaign? Even though battlefront 2 literally had no campaign.
I dont remember there being a bf3 being released
Tbh I'm just happy that Battlefront 3 is actually coming out and has a 3rd person mode, I fully expected it to be first person only
Battlefront 3 has been scrapped since Lucasarts shut down their game development. The new Battlefront is a reboot. So it doesn't have to follow the old games.
I'm more pissed that we aren't even getting the core BF game which is Player vs AI, just another Battlefield with a Star Wars skin. Much like Hardline being a Battlefield game with a cops and robber skin.
Never really cared for it. It was cool but I'm not gonna do a 180 on the game. Its a reboot not a continuation. People are always saying that its gonna be a Battlefield reskin but fail to open their eyes to see that they were already identical in the first place.
Sad, but not a deal-breaker. The local coop is too good to pass up.
Is there a "Oh alright" option?
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! All I used to do was play conquest till 6am
What is that?
Damn, I'm going to miss going through the galaxy and destroying the rebellion with my massive fleet