Move on from your guns, please. This is a standard mmo thing. For those of you who didnt think this was an mmo, youll learn the hard way. It may be a crap one but it is one.
Bzzzt - Wrong answer. Your ignoring our human nature to personify objects. Like when we see a face looking at a power outlet, people throughout time imbue their tools with personality, develop relationships, name their cars, etc,
But this is a game and not reality. Even if they dodnt make them useless, the new weapons would most likely outclass the older ones, not to mention the new ones look cooler and are more unique. Even then, your guns wont become completely useless yet, i can still use a 300 attack oversoul edict just fine, not even maxed and it still wrecks, i dont think 365 guns will be terrible.
Destiny isn't an mmo. Clearly you've never played one.
It's an FPS RPG with loot. No true open-world, definitely no [i]persistent[/i] world, low player count, relatively low gear count (compared to [i]actual[/i] MMOs), etc.. Seriously, right off the bat; any game with a [i]max[/i] count of 12 players isn't- by definition- an MMO. It just isn't. Bungie very specifically says it isn't, any serious MMO player would say it isn't, and the dictionary description of the term "Massively-Multiplayer" says it isn't.