Also one of the Interviews with the Creator of it. Theres a coop play style to it like with Destiny how you and a friend can meet up and explore and such... BUT when every Player first starts out they all start one THIER OWN PLANET alone. And due to the sheer size of the galaxy and how in order to go further into space you need a Hyperdrive Engine. You could start on say Earth for example and your friend starts on Pluto. It literally could take you weeks before ever meeting up or possibly never ever meet at all. Now picture your on Earth and he is 7 Galaxies away...... It has an Agenda (Story/endpoint) as there is a massive Black hole in the center of the Galaxy and that is what the game is based on. You getting closer to it along the way and theres other mysterious stuff in it. There is Portal level you go to and there kind of like"Raids" where you get better gear but they are always random and stuff. If you are on foot and die you lose part of your inventory you collected. But if you are in Space and get blown up. You lose your ship and are spawned on the closest planet and need to find resources for a new one. And yes.. space Battles! You can fly and shoot and attack and so on.