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Edited by Ace0927: 8/10/2015 3:44:47 PM

Ps4 Trials flawless, poe35 skolas we got you covered.

Hello world, The Lost ravens are currently recruiting for both pvp/pve. We are a clan that focus strongly on communication and team work, we are always available from different time zones to assist those in need and vise versa. Evil Lord and myself focus strongly on the crucible. While the other admins are more pve based. I've had the honor to play with and against tripleWreck from team Iam/WreckNation. It's exciting to go against teams like that to better you skills. We do not discriminate, we just ask to be respectful to one another. Other than that we are a good crowd to joke/clown around but also play serious/competitive. If you want to stream with us our clan mate Sneakymuttkitty will place you in the stream, soon we will post streams onto YouTube. If your looking for help in trials then join our clan it's becoming pretty common that we go flawless. Join us for, then you will be lost. Lol

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