I don't know if everyone feels this but the nightfall has lost all meaning to me. Iv got nearly all exotics, it is easier to earn etheric light in other places and it isn't very challenging with three maxed out players. You don't even really need communication so to make it not match made is just pathetic now.
My biggest issue is that I have no reason to care about rewards that I get from it. Obviously the taken king expansion will help make it relevant because of exotic drops and legendary weapons but I want more thrill. The legendary weapons that drop can be reforged to pretty great drops but without burns I'm not likely to use them in PVE. I'd love to see the possibility that doing nightfall came with a very slight chance of a legendary primary dropping with a burn. It could end up being one of the greatest weapons in your arsenal and it would give you something completely unique from everyone else.
I have everything I do nightfalls and weeklies to level up my factions faster
Edited by RedSeaAZ: 8/10/2015 5:27:49 PMFor me the weekly strikes have better rewards. I usually end up with a crappy legendary weapon from nightfall or an exotic I already have. So a mote of light or a shard typically for nightfall. Not worth it imo
Same here nightfall has nothing to offer ..use to love reset day get the nightfalls in then some raids on the go ,now I just plod about here and there as nothing to do even hard raids are easy now hurry up TTK
Elemental primary legendaries would def rejuvenate nightfalls.
Edited by jnikoley: 8/10/2015 4:50:18 PMThe Sun Set on Nightfall for me a while back.
Nightfall may be too samey samey at the moment, but with the PS4 strikes that weren't included on the Xbox one at launch coming in September (as they were PS4 exclusives for a year), and the new strike coming with the Taken King it should inject some more life into the old dog yet. Also, come September the level should go up to keep it a bit more challenging, plus with new weapons coming, some pretty interesting looking ones too like the Sleeper Stimulant and other exotics, we'll have new weapons to lust after.
The xp boost for faction rep is nice but that's about it.
Bungee jump
I just solo them now with no elemental primaries.
Yeah. The rewards aren't anything special anymore but I still enjoy it. Fun teamwork, good moments.
Yes but i just do the nightfall for the rep boost thats all :) the same with the weekly heroic strikes i sit on 800+ strange coins xD
If u been playing the game since the beginning what do you expect if u play the game long enough you will eventually aquire everything
I have a 34 Hunter, 34 warlock, 31 Titan all with just over 165hrs played. Nightfalls were a big help to that. And yes I do have a Gjallarhorn.
You need to realize that not everybody has those exotics. This is my second account that I started 2 weeks ago, and it opened my eyes, showing that not everybody has everything maxed like I do on my first account. Nightfall is extremely important if you want to expand your arsenal.
That's great if you have all armor and weapons maxed, but I still use the XP buff for the couple of things that I'm leveling. Plus I've been playing for fun instead of like its a job, and the nightfall is the right amount of challenge for me and a buddy or two to jump in and play.
I solo them for a chance of RNGing a Hawkmoon. I don't even care about the XP boost.
I was happy. Got achlyophage symbiote from it for my new hunter. First character that wasn't titan.
Some of the new strikes including the remixed classic ones should breathe some life into it.
It's fun when you have a certain burn on it. It proposes a challenge that's fun.
I feel that. I only need Necrochasm and Suros (been waiting a while on that one) and there's just such a low chance of it in the nightfall.
Solo it skrublord
I do it for the XP boost. Because with two characters I get useless legendaries every week. Received maybe a single exotic in the last 6 weeks running.
Its only good for the rep boost and faction rep. That's it
I grew to accept that the true reward of nightfalls is the rep boost, any drops are just a bonus
I do it to help irl freinds... but yea this week sucks nightfalls need burns especially compared to a few weeks ago with solar burn that was fun!!
I do it to hang out with my friends. Maybe collect some strange coins.