"Alright calm down avatar if you can't be quit let us handle it but if shit hits the fan then go crazy."
"When. When shit hits the fan."
"I'm sure it will murph but let's hope it doesn't."
"I doubt we're smashing a 6 foot steel wall quietly."
"If I am able to teleport but I doubt I will be able to, I can teleport in and take them out."
"They've used anti-teleportation tech before. This is their most secure prison. I'm sure they'll have it here."
"Yeah I bet they have it."
[i]He laughs quietly[/i] I'll stay quiet then... [i]He radiates raw power, you've never seen him this worked up[/i]
"A bit eager are we?"
[i]He nods[/i] I saw what they did to the others [i]He clenches his fist[/i] We [b]will[/b] bring this family together
"We will. I'll make sure of it."
"More than shit is gonna hit the fan jack"
"I'm sure of it."
"I have smoke bombs"
"Fyn you still got those silver grenades I made for you?"
"Yea" [b]I pull some out and a baked potato[/b]
"We'll be prepared to throw that grenade at me. It will save my life if needed. I'm sure these guys are prepared for demons too."
"And would you stop with the damn potatoes?"
"But why?" (´・_・`)