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Edited by Lost Sols: 7/24/2016 11:12:17 PM

A Community Q&A: #Feedback on you and why you play Destiny

Everyday we all log onto these forums and we make posts, reply or just browse what's going on. Sometimes we discuss things, sometimes we argue and sometimes we #mute. I thought it would be fun to try to humanize the forums a bit and learn a little more about each other and why we love this game. Participate if you'd like and if you don't want to it's cool too, still enjoy seeing everyone around :) For those that want to play, here are the questions for you to copy/paste: How did you come up with your gamertag? What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you? If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be? If you could make one album the soundtrack for Destiny, what would it be? What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass? Why is your class the best? Say something nice about another class lol What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny? What is your favorite planet in Destiny and why? What is your favorite strike? If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be? If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be? If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be? If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be? I'll go first lol. [b]How did you come up with your gamertag?[/b] It wasn't my original, but I changed it to Lost Sols because I kept getting bigoted comments from my original. I chose Lost Sols because I used Lost Sol in WoW for years. It's obviously a play on Lost Souls because I enjoy going lone wolf a lot, but it also can connote a lost universe or lost son. It's also a palindrome which is cool, someone had it on Xbox without the last s though :) [b]What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you?[/b] I have a tattoo of Hiroshima, Nagasaki and paper cranes because I was born on Hiroshima and married on Nagasaki and have always felt the impact of getting the gift of life on a day that so many lost theirs. I also recorded the 7 Shot Screamers first album (before [i]I was a Teenage 7 Shot Screamer[/i]) for any hardcore rockabilly fans out there :) [b]If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be?[/b] An F1 driver and I could die the next day with a smile on my face. If it was only for one day I'd want to race in Canada at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve and I'd totally make Lewis Hamilton cry lol. [b]If you could make one album the soundtrack for Destiny, what would it be?[/b] As much as I'd love to choose something by Swell, for Destiny I'd have to say John Frusciante: Shadows Collide with People. It would just be so, so epic. [b]What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass?[/b] Titan/Striker all the way [b]Why is your class the best?[/b] Lightning grenades for days lol!!!! Seriously they're about the most fun thing in the game, particularly in Arc burn nightfalls (until you kill yourself with one on the boss... Noooooooooooo!) [b]Say something nice about another class lol[/b] Warlocks have the absolute most fun super with Nova Bomb, there's nothing like watching the other team huddled together waiting for heavy ammo. Oh, you poor, poor bastards... DIE!!!! [b]What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny?[/b] Easily Iron Banner and it's not even close. I'm not sure there was more than an hour or two last week that I was home and awake that I wasn't playing it. Please Bungie, Give us Iron Banner every other week and rotate between control and clash! Please??? (not begging) [spoiler]Okay, begging[/spoiler] [b]What is your favorite planet in Destiny and why?[/b] Venus because the area around the Ember Caves is just so damn fun to just sit and kill Fallen for hours there. I also love the primitive looking backgrounds with touches like the smoke rising up from primordial vents, I just wish we could get there too lol. [b]What is your favorite strike?[/b] Winter's Run. The Archon Priest fight is the most fun boss fight in the game in my opinion because he actually runs around and fights. Not to mention I really enjoy the fight to clear that area before he is released, it has almost an epic battle feel to it and I just really love it. [b]If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be?[/b] Gravity on the moon. Now. [b]If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be?[/b] In game LFG. After the GI cover story, I'm finally stoked for The Taken King, but it's really going to suck if endgame is as big a pain in the ass to try to play as it was in HoW. [b]If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be?[/b] A month ago I'd have said Plug One, but it's not so reliable anymore. Gonna have to go with my NA3D1 Salvation State. It's about as perfect an fps weapon as I've ever used... outside of my first legendary drop Cryptic Dragon, but sadly I dismantled that when it didn't upgrade for TDB (still crying inside). [b]If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be?[/b] With Destiny being a FPS unlike a mmo in the vein of WoW, do you really think the current weapon upgrade model is sustainable and that a year 10 weapon can be significantly better that say Fatebringer? It can have a higher damage number and alternate perks, but can it really handle better, have a better feel or be more accurate or deadly?

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  • [b]How did you come up with your gamertag?[/b] My real gamertag, Clearableswine26 was given to me when I first logged into Xbox360 way back when it first game out. Except the original was Clearableswine01, I added the 26 because that's the number me and my brother wore when we played football (at different times of course). On the forums, my original username was Dirty Dan. It was an original username and I thought it was a nice, humorous spongebob reference that most people would get and chuckle at. Miley Osiris wasn't my own username, i was playing crucible one day and was killed by a Guardian on Anomaly when I happened to glance at her gamertag which happened to be MileyOsiris0977. I got a good chuckle out of it and thought it was clever so I stole it and made it my username in hopes that other people have the same reaction. [b]What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you?[/b] I was a master at Star Wars Battlefront, 1 and 2. I dominated online matches and was quite obsessed with the game. That's what brought me into the world of multiplayer and why I enjoy Destiny's multiplayer. I also was the starting Point Guard for my high school basketball team. [b]If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be?[/b] A Sith Lord. Don't get me wrong, Jedi are cool and all but I want to have "unlimited power" and no guild lines to hold me back. [b]What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass?[/b] Warlock Sunsinger. Good for PvE and PvP. [b]Why is your class the best?[/b] Warlocks are master race because both subclasses are useful for both PvP and PvE. Unlike the Titan, who's bubble isn't very good for PvP and the Hunter, who honestly isn't good for much at all. Warlocks also play a big part in the Destiny universe of being the scholars and trying to learn more about the Traveller and the Darkness. If we learn how to defeat the darkness, it will be thanks to years of study from warlocks. [b]Say something nice about another class lol[/b] I feel safe in Titan's bubbles....until a warlock with obsidian mind jumps in the air, space magic in hand. [b]What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny?[/b] PvP but more specifically the Trials of Osiris. It's one of the more satisfying feelings going 9-0 on a passage even though you've done it literally 30+ times. The sick highlight plays I've seen are absolutely great and I'm happy Bungie put this in the game and hope they build upon it in TTK. [spoiler]I will enjoy PvP twice as much when 2.0 comes out.[/spoiler] [b]What is your favorite planet in Destiny and why?[/b] It's not considered a planet but I like the Moon. The hive is my favorite enemy and it's fascinating going down into their tombs and looking at the Gothic style structures. The numerous bones and decayed astronauts leave me to believe there was a mass genocide on the moon as well. The gloomy atmosphere just compels me. [b]What is your favorite strike?[/b] Phogoth. No competition. Me and my friends love phogoth. This may have something to do with the fact that he is hive and on the moon but there's just something about him that makes me enjoy the strike. Even though it's nothing really special. It almost feels like you're fighting a battle inside phogoth's chamber with all the hive and reinforcement ships that come. Not to mention Phogoth himself is a force of nature and to me, the most dangerous of all hive short of Crota and Oryx. [b]If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be?[/b] The horrid RNG. It causes more problems and debate than anything. [b]If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be?[/b] A Third person option for combat. I'd probably only use it for PvE because it would hinder my performance in PvP but it would still be a big step for me. [b]If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be?[/b] My LDR or Y-09 Longbow Synthesis. I'm a sniper and I'd love to carry those elder beast into the crucible in year 2. I love both of them equally and view them as a testament of my playing time since I deleted almost everything from original Destiny. [b]If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be?[/b] Why don't you communicate more?

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