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Edited by Wikkedplay: 10/14/2015 6:20:54 PM

Why do men treat women gamers bad? I legit want true honesty here (open up)

Hey there, I'm a gamer from Texas. I have a legit question I really want to know. After encountering so many rude remarks flirting, or even observing fellow female gamers yelled at/cat called...I really wanna know why a lot if you Lads don't like women? There would be times nothing would happen and yelling name calling and harassment would arise. Almost all of the times the lady gamer werent doing anything and the male would pick at her. Either being sexual or really aggressive. I noticed male gamers would get super mad when she would try to defend herself as if she had no right to defend herself. Then there are the few sweet guys that are super quiet guys. Only 1% percent out of 99 percent. Just tell me a simple sentence of what your attitude towards women is, in the gaming community. Is it Jealousy? Nervousness? No contact with women? Or you just don't like women gaming? Thanks.[spoiler]im watching he honest ok....[/spoiler]

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  • I don't.

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  • The Internet provides a sense of anonymity, which basically means anything goes. I can talk all the shit I want, but you'll never know who I am, I could possibly your brother, sister, long dead great grandfather, who knows?

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  • I try to ❤️ everyone But if I don't ❤️ someone I tell them.

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  • Sometimes people do it because the girl doesn't know who they are and the guy is like trying to impress a crowd or their friends. I have a couple female friends who i play with that always insult the person back and then embarrass the guy who was making fun of her. I hope you know we're not all like that though.

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  • They need to release all the hate and angst they have from being a beta

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  • Because they were raised wrong >.> and their ideologies and morales are messed up...

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  • Being honest like you asked I am insult women and flirt sometimes, but here is the thing I do the same with guy occasionally it's all in fun while I love a good story if I am playing online its to have fun with people that share my interest so yea I will flirt and insult you its all I good fun [spoiler]straight guy just another form of teasing for example guy calls me gay I say well not with it dinner first etc [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Onion Beetle fan: 8/10/2015 9:56:02 AM
    [url][/url] "Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." - Wikkedplay (probably) In real life, you would have a pretty immediate negative consequence for being a -Blam!-. On the internet, you're removed from the consequence, so you might feel there's more freedom to do that which you would otherwise never do.

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  • I dont care, man or woman just have fun but act like a dick ill treat you like one i have never treated someone bad who didnt deserve it

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  • Sorry to hear that. Men are dicks yah

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  • I really don't care were all gamers so all the power to u just mute em

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  • Edited by Lotus: 8/10/2015 5:23:46 AM
    We're shaping you up. Gaming is not a game, it's serious stuff! You gotta bring your A game. Go hard or go home. Most women are soft, so we yell at them, talk smack, all of that, but in good taste. We're building you up so when you're thrown into a game of call of duty and every 12 year old is saying they -blam!-ed your mom, you'll be ready to handle it. You should be thanking us.

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    2 Replies
    • Because it's rare to come across a women's voice in gaming so it sets you apart from the usual males voice, though most of the time it's just a squeaker. So why do squeakers get picked on for sounding like women? Now that's sexist. Think of it as "Where's Waldo?" Why is everyone always looking for Waldo? What about everything else crammed into those pages? Because Waldo stands out in every page, with his striped shirt and stupid hat. Don't think for one minute that there aren't a bunch of guys getting shit on by other guys. It's just one of the side effects of living.

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    • Because 95% of people in some games (I'm not accusing any gaming community in particular, but I will say that the game they worship is named after a synonym of "fate") have the maturity of an 8 year old.

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    • Not sure i try to make them feel welcome but its hard with the dicks of the gaming community

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    • Edited by Vix: 8/10/2015 5:26:06 AM

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    • Another thing, if you get harassed online on either PSN or XBL then report immediately to administrators and they can monitor said user. By using these systems you are agreeing to a conduct that is created to help improve your experience. They can use data gathered from them to allow appropriate authorities to arrest them, happened in my town when a group of ppl were sending death threats across gaming networks. In the end they were arrested and jailed

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    • I like girls that play games add Crossfire99dude

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      • Edited by Master Chief is better: 8/10/2015 5:17:48 AM
        You're a gamer . If you're garbage than I will treat you the same way i treat the other noobs. You don't get a special treatment just because you're a girl.point is, we are all gamers.

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      • I played bo2 about 4 months ago and that was when I was 10... a said things to me on there that I will never forget......

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      • Except that's not what's going on. It's not about men being assholes to women. It's about assholes being assholes.

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        3 Replies
        • For me, its shock. I almost [b]never[/b] run into a woman gamer.. Its very rare for me, I've seen like, maybe 4 woman gamer's in a year and a half of playing online.

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        • It think it may stem from old school misogyny. It's a fact girls grow neurologically faster than guys. Its also a fact that a woman wrote the first ever computer code. These little dicks dint naturally hate women. They were taught to. Generally speaking most of the hater would probably never had shared intimacy with a women and have probably been executed frequently in the crucible by girls... they don't get gaming is purely equal as women react faster than men and they have a better ability to multitask.... kids who rag on girls don't know how delicious they can be as friends lovers or stone cold killing partners in a fire team.... i guess thats why??? Im a guy by the way.

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          • A fair amount of them are somewhat annoying. Those ones I avoid. But I have no problem talking to a women in real life and neither do i online. People who are overly sexual and hit on them every second and want "mic sex" are usually just neck bearded double chinners or a thirsty child who finally has a sack. There's also assholes.

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          • Oh, and by the way. Gamers are gamers. It doesn't matter your skin color, gender, sexual preference, height, weight, or disabilities. We are all here for one thing and one thing only: Game. [spoiler]Except for a vast majority of little kids who want an online girlfriend.[/spoiler]

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          • If you're wanting a factual answer, it's impossible to get from this question. You keep commenting, " that's an opinion" or whatever and you're trying to invalidate that persons response. The fact of the matter is all gamers talk crap. The only reason we're seeing that girl gamers are talked crap too a lot at the moment is because of what happens to the dames. In all of my 15 years of gaming, I've only seen this happen once or twice. I get harassed by kids all the time on here but I don't care because, ITS A VIDEO GAME. Most people on here don't care about the other person playing so they talk crap. It's fun and what we do, it's just apart of gaming

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