You must kill the person below you, but here's the catch. You must do it creatively.
I take a sword and slightly piece your spinal cord paralyzing you from the neck down. While you lay there defenseless, I take a butter knife and start to cut you open from the middle of your chest down to your belly button. Then I remove your spleen so your body can no longer filter blood. I grill it. Now I'm trying to force feed you it, it doesn't work because you keep resisting. I have the flu virus in a syringe. It's then injected into your veins, from the inside. Since your body can no longer fight off disease, you slowly start suffering. Your mucus starts building up and is now leaking from your nose. It eventually stockpiles enough in your nose to the point where you can't breathe through your nose. Remember that spleen you wouldn't eat? Well now I shoved it into your mouth. You eventually suffocate. The end.