originally posted in:Zero Protocol
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With Taken King on the horizon, there's a lot buzzing around in terms of what's coming and what isn't. What are you excited for or worried about in Year Two?
TTK seems to be a step in the right direction based on what I've seen so far. The "20 reasons to be excited for TTK" article that Planet Destiny wrote up makes TTK seem promising. I watched the "We are Guardians" video that was just released. I can't wait to see those in game movies as we progress through the missions. I won't lie. I got goosebumps when I saw that space battle...but then again I've been let down before **cough** ME3 **cough** when it comes to space battle scenes. Losing my favorite year one legendaries and paying at a minimum $40 for an expansion is the only things I don't like about it. I know they are redoing the original missions to some degree, dropping dinklebot, and adding content but is that really going to be worth almost buying a new game? I guess I'll have to buy it to find out.