No they're not... Catholicism came into being with the conversion of Emperor Constantine, who wanted Christianity to appeal to the pagans
(ie. Veneration of Mary=Isis worship, Saints=Pagan Gods, etc.)
Edited by pablogordon: 8/9/2015 2:15:11 AMYou got most of your facts straight....except your assertion that Catholics aren't Christians (if I'm reading right, or you're disagreeing that Catholics are OG **my words**) the word 'catholic' simply means universal. The conversion of Constantine changed "Christianity" from a backwater breakaway Jewish sect to what it is now. It's entirely realistic that had that never happened I would probably have been raised either under some traditional Roman belief system or Islamic, cause I hope we can agree that Judaic proselytizing just isn't on the same level as that of Christianity or Islam. The word "catholic" simply means universal.