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8/8/2015 5:35:39 PM
It's quite obvious that those who have time to cultivate online relationships would rather keep the Raids and Nightfall's something that is exclusive to them and not the rest of us who work 40 hours a week and have a family. If I was a loner who lived online, I would probably relish in having a loadout only 10% of users had as well. The problem is, success in a game should not be based on ones time spent cultivating online relationships. I play with two very cool guys and we do a lot of Nightfalls and an occassional raids but it's hard to all be on at the same time. There are times, when no-one is on, and I have an hour to kill. By the time I post on a forum, or run around messaging people, 30 minutes has passed then a Nightfall or POE is pretty much a done deal in achieving. Fact, you will perform better with people you raid with often. That said, not having Matchmaking for these activities is a little elitist and doesn't really end up reflecting high level as good player. More realisticly it means, high level = social player. As a marketer, and as a programmer I don't really see the benefit of keeping the Raids and Nightfalls out of matchmaking. If you're trying to add an elite level to the game, this can be done without requiring online relationships. Just make the missions extremely difficult! Completing them would therefore be a badge of honor. Lastly, I can't help but remembering gamespy everytime I go to a forum to find raid groups etc. This is 2015. Why am I using an inferior GameSpy. It's hilarious really. For those of you too young, GameSpy was a program that matchmaked players for online games such as Quake, Tribes, etc. It was writted in 1996!!

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