I've notice this week several weapons are not acting correctly since reset on 4 August 2015 on my players.
[b]Fatebriner[/b] I've noticed my critical head shots changing values to 548 from 1315. I first noticed on nightfall that arc shields were extremely hard to bring down with my faitbringer as I would empty anywhere from 6-12 shots, all critical, in order to bring down shields. Today, I'm doing the thorn bounty and noticed my critical on level 26 characters from my level 34 was doing over 95% of the time 548 critical and 3## to a body medium range. Every now and again a critical would perk at 1315. When I'm getting these 548 criticals it takes the entire clip to take down a shield.
I Then swapped to an Efrideet's Spear.
[b]Efrideet's Spear[/b] I noticed the critical head shots on yellow bars were always extremely low 3k per round with the same burn as the enemies shield, on a red bar I would get the normal 8k per round. It took 4 rapidly fired sniper rounds to take down the shield of a yellow bar.
Then I switched back to the faitbringer and found that the shields on yellow bars are extremely over powered and that they are not taking damage even though the round has the same burn until the shield is fully down. Out of 40 shots, all critical fired only 3 shots perked as 1315 on yellow bars.
I don't know if this is only my character or others having the same issue, but there seems to be something wrong with the last updates netcode for my account.
Yellow Health enemies have a built-in damage resistance that generally lowers the damage of each shot by about half. Also shields do not take critical damage, only once the shield of an enemy is down can you do precision damage to them. Also keep in mind that Damage scales by a percentage against enemies lower level than you so that high level players can't just mow through lower-level content. It sounds to me like things are working as intended.