What was your first exotic? I got an ice breaker from a legendary engram. Plz tell me your first exotic and your reactions to getting it XDD
Suros week 1.
Patience and time purchased from xur. Amazing gun
SGA. Back in early October. Felt so cool being the only member if my fireteam w an exotic.
Xmas player. Gally from atheon normal. Whole group went nuts, i played along not knowing what was happening.
Thunderlord from Poe chest. one of the ransoms in my group got a gally.
Hawkmoon from iron banana
Hawkmoon from the exotic vog chest and I was just sitting there laughing for about 10 minutes because someone else in the game only needed hawkmoon to complete his exotic collection and he was raging so much XD
Hard Light from crucible, it was my go to gun for a bit before I got better loot/auto rifles sucked
Icebreaker from Crucible
Tlw although idk how I got it
I got Hawkmoon on my first game of PoE a while back
No Land beyond
Ice breaker
Hard light
Hard Light
Dragons breath
Tlw, I never used hand cannons before then but it looked so cool.
Armour? Sunbreakers. I think weapon it was ice breaker or thorn... Can't remember lol
Red death
Thorn from the bounties
Plan C from an engram
Hard light
Icebreaker: So on (MY 1ST!) night fall we were at Phogoth and I had so go out for something so I just let the Xbox on and told my pals not to kick me... Went home and found icebreaker in my special weapon slot (before Xûr sold it). I was like, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".
got the last word from the exotic box.