originally posted in:No Land Beyonders United
I could use some help with a few achievements that require a clan to do. Specifically Raiding Party, Flawless Raider, and Strength of the Pack. If anyone needs this achievement and would like to give me a hand on the Vault of Glass, please message me on Xbox Live. I hope to see you in my fireteam. =)
Go to Jewbacca's latest post on the clan forums
If you're on 360 Wiener and I can help you get some really good stuff :) we can help you get achievements, more grimoire if you'd like, better gear, make suggestions, we can really help :)
I would highly suggest doing flawless raider on Crotas end as it is a lot easier than Vault of glass
When Jew gets back from vacation we can run you through PoE for flawless raider, I dunno if it still counts but it used to