Yes, people complain when you take away their stuff and give them other stuff, generally speaking. It doesn't really matter if YOU think the new stuff is better than the old stuff you took away. And as for your assertion that people will get mad if they allow ascension of old gear...that's an opinion. It's POSSIBLE that the majority of the players out there won't like that. It wasn't born out by any facts. In fact the facts state otherwise. A LOT of people came BACK to the game when they allowed ascension of old gear and I think you'd be hard pressed to find somebody that quit the game BECAUSE they put Etheric Light IN....
It wasn't the FOCUS, but it's a darn good thing they did it. Because the crap guns Variks and the Queen have been handing out weren't worth a nickel. The problem is, you're thinking like THEY'RE thinking. That there's some dichotomy between allowing ascension of old gear and introduction of new gear. But there's NOT. Introduce the new gear. If it's good people will use it. If it's not they will stick to what they think IS. Also, for some things it's better to just let people decide for themselves. Contrary to what your education system may have taught you, people ARE actually capable of making decisions for themselves that result in their own happiness and wellbeing. We don't actually need to have everything decided for us.
Yeah, different strokes for different folks. BUT with any kind of entertainment you get what you are given and you cant really do anything about it..except complain in the forums...Luckily Bungie listens if you complain hard enough so maybe we can see some improvements before TTK comes out.