A couple of my friends and I picked up an extra guy to do VoG (back when it was the only raid). So we start out and things are going fine. We then hear a girl in the background of this guy's mic and the shuffling of his mic (most likely him taking it off). We then hear a hand held vacuum turn on and the girl say in a delightful tone you know how much it turns me on when I hear a vacuum. My friends completely lost it, we couldn't stop laughing because this kept going on for like 5 minutes. Just a vacuum noise and her talking about her fetish. When the guy finally came back and asked us what was so funny and we told him he didn't talk for the next 15 minutes and only spoke to talk about the raid.
Another time about 4 months ago we were doing something similar, we had picked up a guy off of lfg and we were running lfg. We finished confluxes and here him say "I'll be right back guys". So we wiped and waited for him to come back, but as we are respawning we hear him use his bong. We just assumed it was probably was some other background noise. However this guy doesn't come back for around 15 minutes we just keep hearing him taking hits and talking to himself about how great it is. The next part is what really got us. We hear a very faint zipper noise and some rustling. Then this guy just starts going at it by himself. By this time everyone is either so grossed out or laughing so hard that no one could even try to do the raid without him. We then hear him finish making one of the weirdest noises I have ever heard. He then says oh shit that's going to be a pain to clean up. I guess he finally caught on that we could hear him after no one was moving in game and dying of laughter through the mic. He put the mic on and ask if we heard anything, he then proceeds to say shit and leave the party and game.
I have a couple other times, but these were probably the best. And yes these both happened I can't make this stuff up.
LOL. I nearly died at the pain to clean up part. (I'm reading through a bunch of these, very entertaining)
If this is true then for some disturbing reason i dont kno why i wished i was in that game just sounds 2 funny who the hell can choke thier chicken whilst stoned lmfao
Yeah it happened. One of my friends even mentioned that while it was happening and it made it even funnier. Biggest wtf moment.