Guaranteed the most efficient team in destiny. We have 3-4 teams running on [b]PS4 & XB1[/b] Top 15 overall in Trials of OSIRIS and have helped [b][u]OVER 900 people to LIGHTHOUSE!![/u][/b]!
[i][u]simply post your gamertag below, click the stream link, and hit the follow button! Sit back and witness greatness!!![/u][/i]
Private msg if you would like to be prioritized! GOOD LUCK and have a great week guardianzzzz <3
Our clan is a small clan but we are looking to grow in numbers as we put out this open invitation to all gamers who are looking for a good clan or just some new friends to play with... The overall goal is to gain as many new members as possible so we can have multiple people available to help with RAIDS,POE,TRIALS/CRUCIBLE,BOUNTIES.....or just anything anybody would like to do in the game of let's go bring a little light to the darkness people....Join up now....any system....the more the merrier