[i]Alonfé walks down the hallways cloak drawn high. The crunch of ice is barely audible beneath his boots, and frost dots his cloak, with bits of snow. As he walks, frost spiders from his steps to the walls and ceiling, any fire in any nearby rooms go out, the air dropping far below zero in seconds. Lights flicker, some go out entirely for a few minutes. His irises are..... a cool blue. Not the usual light brown. He emits a strong aura, faint green waves rippling from his body to the air. The symbols on his cloak also glow an icy blue, they seem.... alive. Any passerbies feel their ears pop, and shiver. He walks steadily ahead, to nowhere though, aimlessly walking around the area, spreading frost and chills. His face looks troubled, in deep thought, carrying an incomprehensible look of weariness and strength, like he could kill a god but collapse any second.[/i]
I can see the cold favors you
[i]I look back, and shake my head, looking down.[/i] [b]"The cold, and everything else."[/b] [i]My voice is ancient and deep, like an old dragon or that of a mage beyond his years. [/i] [b]"Sorry if I broke anything, it's just... "[/b] [i]I trail off, lost in thought. The temperature drops lower, and the frost grows thicker on the walls and ceiling, the floor already covered.[/i]
It's alright. I can fix something if it breaks as long as it isn't too complicated
[i]Nods.[/i] [b]"This phase will peter out soon, anything unfixed I can fix myself. I don't know how to control this yet..."[/b] [i]I look down to my hands, glowing blue and radiating green.[/i] [b]"Triggered by intense flashes of emotion, or in times of great difficulty..."[/b] [i]I say the words as if from a book, then look up again.[/i] [b]"I can't help but wonder what they're doing to Python. I saw the others when they came back, and I...."[/b] [i]Tears fall from my eyes, freezing before they hit the ground. I clench my fists, and they freeze over, glowing blue. [/i]
Sound like you're a caring person
[i]Nods slightly[/i] [b]"I just want this family to be together again. I'll give my life for it too. I'll go and get Python by myself if I must. I'll e- ahhhh...."[/b] [i]The energy is sucked out of the air like a vacuum, and the aura about me disappear. I collapse, lying on the ground.[/i] Ahh..... I'm okay.... [i]Smiles weakly[/i]
It doesn't seem like you're okay
[i]I stand up weakly.[/i] I'm good, just... [i]Wobbles a bit[/i] I've sustained that form for two days. I don't know how to cancel it out, so I just decided to wait it out. I just need to... [i]Falls down, then lies in the middle of the hallway.[/i] Rest....
I can bring you to your room if you want
[i]I look up to you.[/i] Ah, I wouldn't want to burden you like that. [i]I attempt to get up, using the wall as support.[/i]
I have nothing to do anyways all I've been doing is bouncing around a tennis ball
[i]Nods, walking slowly[/i] Then yes, I'd appreciate the help
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 8/7/2015 8:18:33 PM*helps you walk* Now lead the way
[i]Points down the hallway.[/i] Just down there.... Then left.... Then it's the second to the right...
[b]A potato rolls out of a nearby room[/b]
[i]It freezes in place, ice gluing it to the spot. I walk by, unfazed.[/i]
"Aww that was my favorite potato" [b]a man says behind you[/b]
[i]I look back, and the wall behind you starts to freeze over. I smile softly, the grin being the only thing warm about me. The air is chilled near me, far below zero.[/i] [b]"Ah, sorry my friend. I can, uh, fix it? Just hand me some soil..."[/b] [i]My voice is ancient and deep, like that of an old dragon or wise man.[/i]
"Sure one sec" [b]I walk back into my room and come out with some dirt[/b]"there ya go"
[i]I take some soil in my hand, then the potato. The soil seems to grow, become fertile, and envelopes the potato. My eyes change from cool blue to an earthly green, and the soil solidifies. With a crack, the soil gives way, revealing a new potato. I hand it over, panting. The aura about me is gone. And the power with it. I smile weakly between breathes[/i] Ha...... there ya go...... [i]I collapse[/i] I'm good......
"Woah are you OK?"
[i]I nod[/i] I've sustained that form for two days, don't know how to cancel it out. I just waited it out. [i]Gets up feebly.[/i] I.... I need to rest... [i]Falls down again.[/i]
"You can use my room" [b]as I help you up[/b]
[i]I accept the help, cooperating.[/i] Ah.... thank you...
[b]I set you down on a bed[/b]