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Edited by Lost Sols: 7/24/2016 11:12:17 PM

A Community Q&A: #Feedback on you and why you play Destiny

Everyday we all log onto these forums and we make posts, reply or just browse what's going on. Sometimes we discuss things, sometimes we argue and sometimes we #mute. I thought it would be fun to try to humanize the forums a bit and learn a little more about each other and why we love this game. Participate if you'd like and if you don't want to it's cool too, still enjoy seeing everyone around :) For those that want to play, here are the questions for you to copy/paste: How did you come up with your gamertag? What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you? If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be? If you could make one album the soundtrack for Destiny, what would it be? What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass? Why is your class the best? Say something nice about another class lol What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny? What is your favorite planet in Destiny and why? What is your favorite strike? If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be? If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be? If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be? If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be? I'll go first lol. [b]How did you come up with your gamertag?[/b] It wasn't my original, but I changed it to Lost Sols because I kept getting bigoted comments from my original. I chose Lost Sols because I used Lost Sol in WoW for years. It's obviously a play on Lost Souls because I enjoy going lone wolf a lot, but it also can connote a lost universe or lost son. It's also a palindrome which is cool, someone had it on Xbox without the last s though :) [b]What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you?[/b] I have a tattoo of Hiroshima, Nagasaki and paper cranes because I was born on Hiroshima and married on Nagasaki and have always felt the impact of getting the gift of life on a day that so many lost theirs. I also recorded the 7 Shot Screamers first album (before [i]I was a Teenage 7 Shot Screamer[/i]) for any hardcore rockabilly fans out there :) [b]If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be?[/b] An F1 driver and I could die the next day with a smile on my face. If it was only for one day I'd want to race in Canada at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve and I'd totally make Lewis Hamilton cry lol. [b]If you could make one album the soundtrack for Destiny, what would it be?[/b] As much as I'd love to choose something by Swell, for Destiny I'd have to say John Frusciante: Shadows Collide with People. It would just be so, so epic. [b]What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass?[/b] Titan/Striker all the way [b]Why is your class the best?[/b] Lightning grenades for days lol!!!! Seriously they're about the most fun thing in the game, particularly in Arc burn nightfalls (until you kill yourself with one on the boss... Noooooooooooo!) [b]Say something nice about another class lol[/b] Warlocks have the absolute most fun super with Nova Bomb, there's nothing like watching the other team huddled together waiting for heavy ammo. Oh, you poor, poor bastards... DIE!!!! [b]What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny?[/b] Easily Iron Banner and it's not even close. I'm not sure there was more than an hour or two last week that I was home and awake that I wasn't playing it. Please Bungie, Give us Iron Banner every other week and rotate between control and clash! Please??? (not begging) [spoiler]Okay, begging[/spoiler] [b]What is your favorite planet in Destiny and why?[/b] Venus because the area around the Ember Caves is just so damn fun to just sit and kill Fallen for hours there. I also love the primitive looking backgrounds with touches like the smoke rising up from primordial vents, I just wish we could get there too lol. [b]What is your favorite strike?[/b] Winter's Run. The Archon Priest fight is the most fun boss fight in the game in my opinion because he actually runs around and fights. Not to mention I really enjoy the fight to clear that area before he is released, it has almost an epic battle feel to it and I just really love it. [b]If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be?[/b] Gravity on the moon. Now. [b]If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be?[/b] In game LFG. After the GI cover story, I'm finally stoked for The Taken King, but it's really going to suck if endgame is as big a pain in the ass to try to play as it was in HoW. [b]If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be?[/b] A month ago I'd have said Plug One, but it's not so reliable anymore. Gonna have to go with my NA3D1 Salvation State. It's about as perfect an fps weapon as I've ever used... outside of my first legendary drop Cryptic Dragon, but sadly I dismantled that when it didn't upgrade for TDB (still crying inside). [b]If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be?[/b] With Destiny being a FPS unlike a mmo in the vein of WoW, do you really think the current weapon upgrade model is sustainable and that a year 10 weapon can be significantly better that say Fatebringer? It can have a higher damage number and alternate perks, but can it really handle better, have a better feel or be more accurate or deadly?

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    2 Replies
    • I'm enjoying this post, every once in a while I come back to it to learn more about our community. Good stuff here!

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      • The only reason I keep playing destiny is to brush up on my skills Destiny is so weird honestly. If you miss a couple days your skill goes down the drain. If not then gg All I do now is run nightfalls and weekly and lvl my gear. But when ttk comes out I'll have to do more xp grinding in the crucible and then some. If anyone hasn't noticed the crucible is the fastest way to get to 20 and assuming this xp isn't xp gotten from armor. All you gotta do is cheese 40 by crucible. Then go into those 8 missions and then cheese the bat wizard ((that's what the raid boss is, another reskin of an annoying a.i)) And I also keep playing because I really wanna laugh when the Queens brother gets bent over by the hive.

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        • [b]How did you come up with your gamertag?[/b] I used to play a lot of cod zombies. In that game, as many know, the main objective is to survive as long as possible. My old account/name had a clan tag in it, and the clan disbanded, so I came up with this one, based on what I enjoyed - trying to survive the hoards of zombies. [b]What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you?[/b] Cool or interesting? Yeah... I don't know. I have a scar from my naval to my sternum from being cut open to have my spleen removed. Good enough? :p [b]If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be?[/b] Tough decision. An astronaut, stepping foot on an unexplored planet for the first time. Or maybe one of those blue creatures/people from Avatar. [b]If you could make one album the soundtrack for Destiny, what would it be?[/b] It would have to be something intense and high energy. The Offspring's Smash album, maybe. [b]What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass?[/b] Hunter / Bladedancer [b]Why is your class the best?[/b] I don't feel any are better than the other, but it's by far my favorite. I can get in or out of the action quickly and undetected. I can save my teammates when needed with very little risk. I feel it's like an assasain or even medic type class, which seems cool to me. I love hacking and slashing my way through enemies. I also like the hunter jumps because of the control they provide. It provides the most fun for me. [b]Say something nice about another class lol[/b] Titans, I love your bubbles. Warlocks, your nova bombs are awesome. [b]What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny?[/b] I really enjoy the raids and the teamwork that is involved with them. [b]What is your favorite planet in Destiny and why?[/b] I'm a bit torn. I enjoy patrolling Earth, but I also like Venus. The scenery is absolutely amazing on Venus. If I had to choose just one, I would say Earth, because I spend more time there. [b]What is your favorite strike?[/b] Winter's Run. [b]If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be?[/b] Invisible walls/ceilings and death barriers. [b]If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be?[/b] Optional matchmaking for all activities. [b]If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be?[/b] Another tough decision. There are so many that I love using. Probably my TDB Efrideet's Spear, if the perks were not tampered with. (Arc with Surplus, Field Scout, and Final Round) One of my favorite PvE weapons. [b]If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be?[/b] I would ask them to ask the devs why they think it is acceptable to always devalue the time and effort we put into building our guardians up and becoming legend the way we want to and with what we want to use.

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          • [b]How did you come up with your gamertag?[/b] My parents seem to came up with it, i made a mistake and used my actual name in PSN account which i can't change :( [b]What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you?[/b] I am a 40 year old dude. I am working on as CTO on an European Internet company that operates very big websites and communities. I also developed community solutions in past :) [b]If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be?[/b] Jedi Knight :) [b]If you could make one album the soundtrack for Destiny, what would it be?[/b] Mostly 60's and 70's :D [b]What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass?[/b] Hunter [b]Why is your class the best?[/b] It is not the best , all classes have advantages and disadvantages. I just like to play with hunter more because it has more offensive play style then other classes. [b]Say something nice about another class lol[/b] Saint 14 & Titan create amazing punching funs :D [b]What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny?[/b] Chat and have fun with friends [b]What is your favorite planet in Destiny and why?[/b] As of now none , as all get uber boring [b]What is your favorite strike?[/b] PS4 Vex strike [b]If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be?[/b] Activision [b]If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be?[/b] Actual Story [b]If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be?[/b] It is hard to make a choice but as you asked Fatebringer [b]If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be?[/b] If you had chance to cancel Activision contract , would you choose to do it today ?

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            • [b]How did you come up with your gamertag?[/b] My real gamertag, Clearableswine26 was given to me when I first logged into Xbox360 way back when it first game out. Except the original was Clearableswine01, I added the 26 because that's the number me and my brother wore when we played football (at different times of course). On the forums, my original username was Dirty Dan. It was an original username and I thought it was a nice, humorous spongebob reference that most people would get and chuckle at. Miley Osiris wasn't my own username, i was playing crucible one day and was killed by a Guardian on Anomaly when I happened to glance at her gamertag which happened to be MileyOsiris0977. I got a good chuckle out of it and thought it was clever so I stole it and made it my username in hopes that other people have the same reaction. [b]What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you?[/b] I was a master at Star Wars Battlefront, 1 and 2. I dominated online matches and was quite obsessed with the game. That's what brought me into the world of multiplayer and why I enjoy Destiny's multiplayer. I also was the starting Point Guard for my high school basketball team. [b]If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be?[/b] A Sith Lord. Don't get me wrong, Jedi are cool and all but I want to have "unlimited power" and no guild lines to hold me back. [b]What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass?[/b] Warlock Sunsinger. Good for PvE and PvP. [b]Why is your class the best?[/b] Warlocks are master race because both subclasses are useful for both PvP and PvE. Unlike the Titan, who's bubble isn't very good for PvP and the Hunter, who honestly isn't good for much at all. Warlocks also play a big part in the Destiny universe of being the scholars and trying to learn more about the Traveller and the Darkness. If we learn how to defeat the darkness, it will be thanks to years of study from warlocks. [b]Say something nice about another class lol[/b] I feel safe in Titan's bubbles....until a warlock with obsidian mind jumps in the air, space magic in hand. [b]What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny?[/b] PvP but more specifically the Trials of Osiris. It's one of the more satisfying feelings going 9-0 on a passage even though you've done it literally 30+ times. The sick highlight plays I've seen are absolutely great and I'm happy Bungie put this in the game and hope they build upon it in TTK. [spoiler]I will enjoy PvP twice as much when 2.0 comes out.[/spoiler] [b]What is your favorite planet in Destiny and why?[/b] It's not considered a planet but I like the Moon. The hive is my favorite enemy and it's fascinating going down into their tombs and looking at the Gothic style structures. The numerous bones and decayed astronauts leave me to believe there was a mass genocide on the moon as well. The gloomy atmosphere just compels me. [b]What is your favorite strike?[/b] Phogoth. No competition. Me and my friends love phogoth. This may have something to do with the fact that he is hive and on the moon but there's just something about him that makes me enjoy the strike. Even though it's nothing really special. It almost feels like you're fighting a battle inside phogoth's chamber with all the hive and reinforcement ships that come. Not to mention Phogoth himself is a force of nature and to me, the most dangerous of all hive short of Crota and Oryx. [b]If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be?[/b] The horrid RNG. It causes more problems and debate than anything. [b]If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be?[/b] A Third person option for combat. I'd probably only use it for PvE because it would hinder my performance in PvP but it would still be a big step for me. [b]If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be?[/b] My LDR or Y-09 Longbow Synthesis. I'm a sniper and I'd love to carry those elder beast into the crucible in year 2. I love both of them equally and view them as a testament of my playing time since I deleted almost everything from original Destiny. [b]If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be?[/b] Why don't you communicate more?

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              1 Reply
              • Tell ya what Sols. Instead of Bunghole spending that 50 mil a year on cocaine and hookers, they should hire you. I always enjoy reading your posts. ;)

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                • Edited by Hazard: 8/8/2015 7:03:52 AM

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                • Edited by What Up Essay: 8/8/2015 7:36:20 AM
                  [b]If you could be anything for one day, what would it be?[/b] Enlightened.

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                  • Oh, oh, oh, Lost Sols, what at posting. I like your writing, but I am not sure if you really what to hear what I would have to say, but since you asked, I'll be nice. How did you come up with your gamertag? My tag is a combination. First, Gold Jewelry from some places is / was marked with a KDM stamp which means that the Jewelry was soldered with Cadmium. Cadmium called 'Kadium' in some places and marked KDM was traditionally used in soldering of gold jewelry for its good properties of liquidity and melting at lower temperatures, which is not the case any more as Cadmium is known to create toxic fumes when melted, which are very dangerous to health, over a period of time and may be harmful to humans. Second, The name Kadeam, which is also spelled Kadiem and Kadeim (depending on region) has the following meaning: One who serves God. I now try to live my days as my Lord asks (leads me) for me me to live. I do not plan anything for myself, and I react each day to what he brings forth. What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you? Something "cool"... hmmm, well some people think that my life as a hacker/security person was cool. I've done a lot of things for my country and many corporations, along with friends and family. Before the government made it illegal, I used to break into peoples computers, to chase down hackers that had turned them into zombies (bots) for any number of reasons. I would do what I could to clean up their computer without them even knowing about it, while chasing down the person that hacked them. If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be? With my wife. She was not only the love of my life, she was the life that I loved. If you could make one album the soundtrack for Destiny, what would it be? This one, I wouldn't change. I like the music that they have in the game. What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass? Hunter/Bladedancer Why is your class the best? A Hunter provides me with a purely offensive approach to attack. It is the fastest and most precise of all the classes, using speed, agility and stealth to neutralize its enemies. The Bladedancer subclass has the Super Ability called the Arc Blade. It has a cool down (recharge) period of four minutes and 30 seconds and allows me to hack and slash my way through enemies using a third-person view. The auto-lock feature makes target acquisition very easy, and when letting go of the stick while pressing melee, it will automatically seek out and engage anyone who happens to be within range. In total it will last about 12 seconds before it has to recharge. Say something nice about another class lol Titans are effective when attacking targets head on, taking advantage of their mastery of the Light to protect themselves and me. What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny? Play with my friend, which has become very hard to do now because they have stopped playing. Oh, once in a while they show up for a cameo appearance, but its not like it was before all this BS started. What is your favorite planet in Destiny and why? I would have to say Venus simply because its kewl to go sparrowing around and finding a heavy pike to shoot the baddies. What is your favorite strike? Now this is a tossup between The Devils’ Lair and The Nexus. I know, they are both easy, but for some zany reason that I can't pinpoint I still like playing them. If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be? Bullet sponge bosses. If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be? Good enemy AI, where they wouldn't always spawn exactly the same, and that they would fight like intelligent creatures rather than limited bots. If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be? Fang of Ir Yût If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be? Please give me some clear understanding on how the systems calculates the stats of enemies, weapons and armor.

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                  • 1)My GT was inspired by Shrek Is Love. 2)Nothing cool just an average dude. 3)A guitarist in a metal band which is why I'm learning to play because I want to have a career in music. 4) The OST for Dark Souls 5)Voidwalker 6) Explosions=Badass 7) Nightstalker has a badass roll. 8) Use NLB to to mess with people that die to it. 9) The moon just to look up. 10) Taniks the Scarred 11) NLB lens glare 12) Transmog 13) Zombie Apocalypse WF47. Mine has bad rolls but it's my first legendary. 14) Did you guys use my exotic ideas I posted 3 months before TTK was revealed at E3 on an exotic maker thread? Based on the GI interview and the footage I have seen there are 4 that are awfully similar to my ideas and vision for them. I just want credit if so that's all.

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                  • ••••How did you come up with your gamertag?•••• -----I was playing rhythm on stage at a local ghetto club in the downtown Philly area. Our bassist was just a kid. He was filling in for or normal bassist who got sick. Some azz in the crowd was heckling my bassist and took a handful of pocket change and rifled it at my bassists head. Without thinking I jumped off the stage (guitar and all), started rocking his cabbage with punches, next thing I knew the place was a brawl. My vocalist after it was over got back up on stage with the microphone and said "Everybody, I'd like you to meet WARCHILD." Now that it's 20 years later, my gamertag was changed on Xlive from Warchild to WAR PRIEST, for my own set of religious practices and because I'm obviously not a child anymore. ••••What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you?•••• -----I'm an artist. Not the greatest, but pretty good. Example of a carbon sketched model: ••••If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be? ------A developer. Because Bungie, they need good ones who have morals, and standards. •••••If you could make one album the soundtrack for Destiny, what would it be? -----John Williams ••••What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass? ----Warlock.... It appears to have more future potential. ••••Why is your class the best? ----Can't say the class I use the most is the best. But no other class can come back from the dead. Which is really fun when an overly dependent thorn user who can't kill anybody with anything else but thorn gets donkey punched into a wall by a resurrected Sunsinger . ••••Say something nice about another class. -----Thank you for attempting to consistently place your testicles in each other's mouths proving the majority of you are men attracted sexually to men. ••••What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny? ----Make fun of the never ending flaws, and enjoy laughing about Bungie with coworkers at the water cooler. ••••What is your favorite planet in Destiny and why? ----The two hovering left and right of the tower. Because Bungie thought our universe had two planets in it as advertisements. ••••What is your favorite strike? ----Archon Priest, because Bungies "anywhere you can see you can go" advertisement got them butthurt and they sectioned off the "under the platform cheese". So naturally, as a tribute to their ineptitude, I go UNDER the platform they sectioned off after they sectioned it off because they can't even section off their butthurt correctly. LOL •••If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be? ----Bungie. ••••If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be? ----Bungies bosses. They don't play the game, nor know what a VIDEOGAME is. •••••If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be? -----Unfortunately there's no weapon I'd want to take into year two, because Bungie believes "REplayability" is about stripping what you earn from a game, so you have to earn it all over again. ••••If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be? ----"Which one of you is it that was born without a spine to stick up for the community?"

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                    • [b]How did you come up with your gamertag? [/b] i liked the Idea of being really intelligent however in Tv Shows they always show the Antaganist looking and being way cooler. so i choose EvilGenius as the most suitable. Xc stands For Executioners! used to be an Unbeatable Clan On Unreal Championship! Best Game In History for Xbox, As far Multiplayer is concerned. [b]What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you?[/b] I Study the Art and Science of Breath which just means i practice breathing exercises that alter my state of Consciousness. Unlocking the Secrets of Mans Inner Temple. :) [b]If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be?[/b] i would be the Entire Bungie/Activision Staff for a Day.i would then give the order to release the Original Version of Destiny that should have been given on launch day! once that is complete i would then resign (Deej, Luke Smith, and The Bungie President and Activision President) From that day Forward There would be no such thing as Activision. all rights will fall Under Bungie and the Lead Story Writer Joseph Staten. [b]If you could make one album the soundtrack for Destiny, what would it be?[/b] [b]What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass?[/b] i got to say i started of as a Warlock but The Titan Class Was just so Much Fun(Striker all the Way). that Shoulder charge is Beast! :D [b]Say something nice about another class lol[/b] i Feel like the Hunters Super is the least Fun to use. it just like shooting a bullet expect it does more and looks Golden. Great Class Though! love the triple Jump! [b]What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny?[/b] i like playing the Vanguard Playlist and Skirmish in Crucible. If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be? i would Remove all Currencies Expect One(Motes of Light) to be used Universally. [b]If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be?[/b] Cinematic Story Telling! Lots of It! Hours of it! :D [b]If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be?[/b] Her Benevolence! Best Sniper in my Opinion! [b]If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be?[/b] How Does it Feel to be Part of Company Filled With Greed/Ignorance that Spits in the Face of the Customer and Tells them to throw more money at their Screen?

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                      • My Gamer tag is my stage name, I'm a musician that likes to game. :)

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                        19 Replies
                        • [b]How did you come up with your gamertag?[/b] Jet Set Radio Future is my childhood game. There was going to be a new game on the Wii, but it got canceled. The Skwablehawks was one of the new gangs that were supposed be included in the game. [url=]Here's the concept art.[/url] [b]What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you?[/b] I've been playing Destiny since Day One and yet I've never reached level 30 because I deleted my characters whenever Bungie made me upset. [b]If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be?[/b] God. [b]If you could make one album the soundtrack for Destiny, what would it be?[/b] Maybe some ODST style music? I don't know. The soundtrack is excellent as it is. [b]What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass?[/b] Sunsinger. [b]Why is your class the best?[/b] Great support for the team, beautiful grenades and a good Super. [b]Say something nice about another class.[/b] Defender seems nice. Every other class pisses me off. [b]What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny?[/b] Skirmish. [b]What is your favorite planet in Destiny and why?[/b] Venus. It has a lot of trees, rain, and killer robots. [b]What is your favorite strike?[/b] The Nexus is pretty challenging sometimes. [b]If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be?[/b] RNG. [b]If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be?[/b] Trading. [b]If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be?[/b] I wouldn't know. [b]If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be?[/b] What the hell happened?

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                          • Edited by PlutoIsAPlanet: 8/7/2015 11:22:31 PM
                            What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you? [b]I drink water[/b] If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be? [b]Deej, because why not? He's Deej![/b] If you could make one album the soundtrack for Destiny, what would it be? [b]Funky Fresh Rhymes[/b] What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass? [b]Voidwalker; it has great CC, respects many builds, and space magic![/b] Why is your class the best? [b]It's effective in each environment of the game (PvP/PvE). Again with PvE, I cause havoc to enemies the more they come the better for me, and the team. PvP: Axion Bolt, and Nova Bomb are just the two things you need. Life steal helps tons in a melee fight.[/b] Say something nice about another class lol [b]Striker Titans, is the suicide class for Destiny. Have a team full of them, and you have the Suicide Squad.[/b] What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny? [b]PvP, whatever guns I like with my warlock. Remember when I told you it respects many builds?[/b] What is your favorite planet in Destiny and why? [b]Venus, as the homeland of Vault of Glass. It carries many mysteries even outside of the Vault of Glass.[/b] What is your favorite strike? [b]I forgot all the strikes names because I tend to ignore the names of the strikes. But my favorite strike is the one with Sepiks Prime[/b] If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be? [b]RNG[/b] If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be? [b]Content[/b] If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be? [b]Fatebringer[/b] If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be? [b]Season 2 of True Detective, yeah or nea?Oh! I'm sorry umm..So.. Flaming Hammer?[/b]

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                            • You make me smile~

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                            • I created gofundthyself because I'm in finance and makes sense. "Get money and invest in yourself." The soundtrack I would use for Destiny would be "Pretty Hate Machine" by Nine Inch Nails My favorite thing in Destiny is to be forged by fire in Iron Banner. Titans and Warlocks are cool, I guess.

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                              • I chose this gt because I like to shut down the competition and I also like James bond. I am damn good at the sax I would be the community manager and respond to the community The soundtrack for destiny is already really good Hunter is the best Invisibility, easily controlable jump, pvp op-ness, more I have both a warlock and a titan and I gotta say shoulder charge is sooo fun Vog every time I like Venus because it's awesome The shadow thief because the object of the strike was not fight waves of enemies then kill the bullet sponge The lack of story Space fights and mm(I know it's two) Vision of confluence no question. Best legendary in the game Why is there a problem with in game matchmaking if you are encouraging us to find randos on the forums and websites who we will likely never talk to again

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                                • I came up with my Psn gamertag because I was trying to decide on one and I thought "Well, I want one that's legendary, but not too legendary." My favorite class has to be the gunslinger hunter because throwing knives are the best thing since sliced bread.

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                                • My gamertag is the first letter of my first name the first letter of my middle name and my last . If I could be anything for one day it would be. The CEO of Bungie ,so I could try to fix this hot mess of a game. Never done a raid,no matchmaking Only done one strike I like all the classes .

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                                • my gamertag is a combo of me being cold hearted, cool, and a medic in the U.S. Army. The community doesn’t know that i am a very very macho man that owns a super affectionate talkative cat. If i could be anything for a day, it would be a time traveler. not to make changes, just to see and write it all down. If you could make a soundtrack for destiny, it'd have a bunch of rap, metal, dubstep, and even a country song or two. no polka. In destiny i love titans. its hard to be good with them. i dont think my class is the best, i think theyre kinda the worst, till sept.... hunters and warlocks make good teammates. I love raiding with my small clan of nerds. fav planet is moon, favorite strike is nexus If i could remove one thing from Destiny, it would be its lack of everything. it has such a good base and such an overwhelming sense that its being held back. If i could add one thing to Destiny, it would be a omm system like league of legends has with some lfg features. im kinda mad about the legendary weapons not having some super hard quest to be able to be ascended. but im attached to none of them. im missing fatebringer however, and that could change my opinion. [i] If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, it would be: how hard is it to respond, if not answer, to some posts on your forums for an hour a day?[/i]

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                                  • This is a good idea so i will participate. How did you come up with your gamertag? My first one that i don't remember got locked out of so i just made a mew one. And No Lucks Given sounds cool, and I've never been very lucky and i really don't care so it works well. What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you? I served in the U.S. Military, which was fun but i am glad to be a civilian again, and ready to start school. If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be? I just want a bunch of money so i can play video games and work on cars. Not sure what i would choose to do for a single day. If you could make one album the soundtrack for Destiny, what would it be? Anything thats fast and has a bunch of guitar solos haha What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass? Titan/striker, its just the most fun to use in my opinion. Why is your class the best? Shoulder charge and lightning grenades. And the armor looks the best in my opinion. Say something nice about another class. The warlocks sunsinger class may be the most useful in the game. Pretty much immortal. What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny? Play with friends, and raids. Although the game is still lacking in content, i mostly play because i have buddies that play. What is your favorite planet in Destiny and why? Venus, because it's the most visually appealing in my opinion. What is your favorite strike? Honestly, there all mostly the same. Its kinda hard to have a favorite. If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be? All the fanboys who think this game is flawless, and don't want to try and make it better. If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be? Matchmaking, matchmaking, maychmaking. There is no reason why this isn't an option. I get some people don't want it, though i'm not sure why, but it should still be an option. Its just a huge pain to use some forum to find people. If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be? Probably vison of confluence, just a great weapon all around. If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be? Assuming that this is a fantasy, and they would answer 100% truthfully. I would ask what the original plan for destiny was, and how/why it didn't happen the way it was originally planned. Kinda a two-part question. This is a good topic, there are far too many toxic idiots on this forum. Too often I see people saying things to someone else that they wouldn't dare say in real life. And thats just unacceptable. Maybe things like this can bring this forum down to earth a bit.

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                                  • Edited by J Stevensontown: 8/7/2015 6:00:17 PM
                                    How did you come up with your gamertag? - wanted to make a long name that would be somewhat annoying to read, use every available character, and my name is Stephen. What's something cool or interesting the community doesn’t know about you? - I once followed Owen Wilson (who was walking barefoot on ocean drive in the middle of the street in Miami Beach) for a couple blocks before stopping him and taking a picture together. If you could be anything for even one day, what would you be? - Superman, Aqua Man, Or Lexington Steels penis 10 years ago. If you could make one album the soundtrack for Destiny, what would it be? - I wouldn't change the Music, I love exclusive original game music. The Beatles - Abbey Road is the best album every created, from start to finish, THE BEST!! Followed by DR. Dre's - The Chronic 2001 What is your favorite Destiny Class/Subclass? - Void Walker - Git rek't mate!! (Titan main) Why is your class the best? - uhhhh, blink nova bomb axion bolt 10' melee??? GIT REK'T MATE!!! Say something nice about another class lol - at least Hunter's can chuck knives & go invisible... What is your favorite thing to do in Destiny? - Raids (<3 vog) love shreck'n m8's in the crucible with my nova bomb while they think they're about to pick up heavy ammo. What is your favorite planet in Destiny and why? Venus. Vast, beautiful, organic, vog, women are from there, mysterious, rain, volcanic, dragons, ahamkara confirmed?? What is your favorite strike? Uhhhh... Well, Archon priest is least predictable, but I love Phogoth, but I also love destroying Sepiks. If you could remove one thing from Destiny, what would it be? - The crew that replaced the original Halo creators. If you could add one thing to Destiny, what would it be? - An immaculate, detailed, organized, categorized, Vault Storage. Ohh, & If you could carry forward one Legendary weapon into year two, what would it be? - tough one...... Ummm.... Uhh....... Shadow price, hex arc caster, found verdict, corrective measure, my currently equipped on my warlock timurs lash. This is a tough question. If you could ask DeeJ/Cozmo one question about Destiny, what would it be? - If they knew the answer, How much time, material, and money, exactly, was used to create the game Destiny, and what EXACTLY was cut before release?? (Package deal question)

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