The guns aquired from level 30 raids should max at level 30 damage(300) but they raised that. You should not be able to get a gun from a LEVEL 30 RAID that allows you max damage in a LEVEL 40 activity. How pointless would that be?
What's the point of Running VoG, Crota, or Prison once the Taken King's vanguard armor already out classes it in every way? Why waste time Raiding, when you can farm marks for weeks to get better gear? It invalidates all previous content. Why is this so hard for people to grasp?
There is no point. You either run it for fun or do the higher level activities for higher level gear. Is that so hard to understand? Its how every game with progressive loot works
So you would have no issue removing all of Vanilla Destiny, Dark Below, and House of wolves for the sake of progression? The game is barely there as is, and you want to make more of it useless? Why? There is absolutely no reason to render so much content obsolete for the sake of some shiny new trinkets.
They're retarded.
Thank you for such a wonderful conversation.