Personally I think Quodron 34 is much more difficult than Skolas considering I didnt wipe at Skolas and I died more at Quodron. What do you guys think? If it's other state below
EDIT: Sorry for missing out Templar. Randall and Celebrant of Oryx i didn't think to put in as they are Majors.
EDIT 2: WOW 150+ Comments and more than 50 Favourites and over 1000 votes on the poll!!! Thanks and keep posting and voting on the poll.
EDIT 3: 250+ Favourites Over 500 Comments and Over 3000 Votes on the poll. Thanks everyone for voting, commenting and favouriting :).
I consider Quodron more difficult than Skolas - last night I would kill the eye, but didn't get the buff. It happened to both team mates also - THEN - Quodron decided to get off his platform & was at the back left, which was odd. After a wipe, he was on his platform for 2 of us, but the 3rd guy said he was roaming the middle on his screen - first time I had that happen... It is also awesome when you can't find the eye in time, or run out of shotgun ammo. We did finish it though.... Skolas isn't necessarily difficult, just a long fight usually.