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8/6/2015 11:39:52 AM
Umm actually you shouldn't speak for everyone I don't want my year 1 weapons to be ascend able. I'll explain why, it's because it's time to move on I'm personally tired of using the same old weapons all the time. I don't understand how a lot of other people aren't. You really want to just use the same 5 weapons for the next 10 years of destiny? Look the fact of the matter is year 1 wasn't a waste of time because we had FUN! If you didn't have fun then you shouldn't be playing the game plain and simple. Personally I had a great time year 1! I also feel like it's time to move on to better things. The fact of the matter is you can't move on while still staying attached to the past. I think if you all take a step back and look at this change from a mature point of view and really try to understand why they are doing this you will understand. They are not making this change to make your time a waste! The game is supposed to be fun and if your not having fun you shouldn't play the game. The fact of the matter is that if your having fun your time is never a waste. I will leave you all to ponder on that.

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  • Ponder this, people will decide what's fun for themselves. You like the new weapons, use them. Someone else thinks dreg burn is not useful and would rather play with a previous weapon that had exploding rounds, they can use them. Everyone is happy and not everyone has to play the same way. Maybe TTK will deliver some fresh new guns that people like. I have my doubts if they have to erase the old ones to get people to use them.

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  • Yeah! Because I got really tired of using the same weapons in Halo after a few years!!!! *14 years later*

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  • Then use the HoW weapons. And have fun!

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  • ok, so I just got my first Fatebringer...and now it's worth shit, I never got a chance to enjoy this pistol to it's full extent. this is the same for any PoE weapon since it came out 3 months ago and will be 4 months when TTK comes out Think about it this way, TTK isn't a new game it's DLC which means it's still part of Destiny not Destiny 2. you know what else is part of Destiny? VOG, Crota, and PoE. if you make the gear and weapons obsolete in these raids then your killing half the reason to do these raids.

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  • How is your fayebringer useless? For the current content it is still relevant. I just got my 1st blk hammer a few days ago. Its relevant too for now. It will still be useful for old content when ttk drops. If it wasn't useless, you would just use that forever and that is the very Definition of boring and stale. If they released a hc with cursed thrall firefly, you would move on to that and then a hc that shoots rockets. Its why some things need to stay frozen or bungie would have to keep creating super op weapons that would make everything too easy to divorce voc, blk hammers, fayebringers from players. However they can screw this up like the poe weapons which is why nobody cares for them. I hope that is not the case or I too will rage like everybody else usually on this forum.

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  • Edited by FireCloud42: 8/7/2015 1:59:22 AM
    I have a month to lvl my fatebringer, farm weapon parts (used all mine to reforge weapons), and then etheric light the gun to get the full experience of the gun. and yes for a month these weapons are going to have worth but I only get a month. also I've been trying to get the fatebringer since it was brought to everyone's attention after VOG opened up. so you're saying Bungie needs to freeze their weapons so they can remake the same gun but with higher damage? no, give me "super op weapons" with cool new perks. I don't want the same gun that looks slightly different with only the damage being the deference. I want the option of choosing fatebringer or the new weapon. do you not remember what Dark below DLC did? also I like the look of the PoE and am enjoying my Six Dreg Pride II with arc dmg and fallen captain stun and my wolf's leash with extra fallen damage. If I'm doing a mission that deal with the fallen I'm going to run one of those 2 weapons over my VOC or Fate (unless there's solar burn)

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  • Were not saying you cant smooch pickles if you want too! If you want new weapons and stuff get them dam it! We want to keep ours and you can smooch pickles if you want! No judging here.

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  • Don't speak for everyone...

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  • It seems to me that you are the one who is trying to speak for everyone, and make decisions for them too.

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  • You are pretty stupid. Just because you get tired of the same weapon, does not mean everyone else is also.

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  • Keeping year one gear viable is not the same as using year one gear for the ten year lifespan. I see nothing wrong with adding year 2 gear to the current arsenal.. Then I have a choice of whether I want to use my 365 VOC or this year 2 scout rifle that just dropped. This also challenges the devs to make cool weaponry that will entice me to want to trade in my vision of confluence for a year two scout. If the year 2 gun is the only option, then not only am I forced to use a gun that I may not prefer, but the designers of these new weapons are not forced to continue being creative with gun design because they don't need to create something that I'm enticed into using(see shank and dreg burn POE weapons if you still don't get what I'm saying)

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  • I see your point.

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  • Edited by Matu Flp Krawfe: 8/6/2015 1:56:48 PM
    Actually I'll say that this change is by its very definition a time sink. Now in order to use an assault rifle, lets say, in new top-tier content you have to acquire another top-tier assault rifle. Your old top tier assault rifle isn't good enough anymore, and not for anything to do with strategy or gameplay but simply because bungie decided to move the numbers of the new content just a little higher. Therefore, in order to stay current with Destiny you have to invest just as much time into equipment [i]now [/i]as you may have done a year ago. So why did you bother in the first place? Why not just stick with blue gear early on and invest your time into when it mattered more? See. waste (and this waste is going to keep occurring with every major add-on unless Bungie changes directions again). Granted, there's the opportunity to play with a new gun instead of an old one but [i]do [/i]keep in mind that without planned sandbox obsolescence we could have had that anyway. New guns could have been added [i]along side[/i] old, building up a larger collection of sandbox elements for players to use as their preferences dictated. That would have also allowed old staples to live on indefinitely as niche choices, preferable in some circumstances (because of their unique handling characteristics) but not all. That could have made weapon choice more interesting, and increasingly more interesting as time went on (finally justifying some part of Bungie's approach to Destiny). But no, Bungie wanted to enshrine grinding.

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  • You do make a good point and I agree they could have done old and new at the same time. I do not agree though that the time was a waste cause I had fun the first year so to me it was not a waste but I can see how other people might feel that way.

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  • Well there's the subjective value of time but from a practical point of view grinding Destiny in year 1 was a waste. Personally, I just settled for what equipment just got me through the game and now I'm looking at TTK as well off as any of the most invested players. But that's not making the game more fair [i]for me[/i], I would have had to put just as much work into getting good exotics with a sandbox consisting both of Year 1 and Year 2 weapons as I will have to for one effectively consisting just of year 2 weapons. That just kicks players who have spent more time with the game back to my uncaring level.

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  • Sorry, replied to wrong post

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  • Keeping year one gear viable is not the same as using year one gear for the ten year lifespan. I see nothing wrong with adding year 2 gear to the current arsenal.. Then I have a choice of whether I want to use my 365 VOC or this year 2 scout rifle that just dropped. This also challenges the devs to make cool weaponry that will entice me to want to trade in my vision of confluence for a year two scout. If the year 2 gun is the only option, then not only am I forced to use a gun that I may not prefer, but the designers of these new weapons are not forced to continue being creative with gun design because they don't need to create something that I'm enticed into using(see shank and dreg burn POE weapons if you still don't get what I'm saying)

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  • Finaly a mature out look on here. So many idiotic complaints if thus game was just the same weapons and gear for 10 years then every one would complain about that. All the kids complain and all the adults play. To be fair people need to leave the game alone. It's growing and changing perfectly well on its own and all the children's complaints are spoiling that the game could be. If you don't like it go play something else is what I say. Nice to hear a sensible comment I whole heartedly agree with you good sir

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  • Speak for yourself, I've never use the same gun in any situation that's the same twice, I like to mix it up, that's my CHOICE, I'm allowed to handle any situation I see fit with whatever weapons I want! If you want to use year 1 weapons and gear and want to rock them in year 2-10 than so be it, it's your CHOICE! Nobody is saying they won't use whatever is new, I just want what I grinded hours for to come with me period!

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  • This game will not make it past three years

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  • And where would you even put 10 years worth of collected guns? The idea is barbaric and out lines the confusion of most of this comunity

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  • Obviously Destiny 2 will be on current Gen only, which will improve Vault space, in the years to come with next Gen systems, we will probably get even more Vault space. Sooner than later Destiny year 1-2 will have to abandon last Gen, and improve Vault space. Hell if I still have Vanilla Destiny weapons and armor all the way till now, I show in the hell will have these guns and armor years from now!

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  • No you won't sir. You'll have bigger and better guns and once that sinks in that yum have better guns, then you'll find something else to complain about, it's what you people do

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  • First off I'm not complaining, second I clearly state that people like I will still be getting the new guns, third I'm telling you it's YOUR CHOICE to use what you want, it's not Bungie job to tell you what guns to use! Plus we are getting a bigger Vault regardless, so yea my year 1 guns are coming, if you hate yours so much start dismantling them, but I won't!

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  • Edited by Matu Flp Krawfe: 8/6/2015 1:58:29 PM
    Maturity isn't what you earn by calling other opinions "idiotic."

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