[b]Your Pod is dropped into the cargo bay.
The crew of the ship walk in to inspect it.[/b]
Edited by Kain The Slain: 8/6/2015 4:35:47 AM[b]takes off her helmet and hides in the pod, both of her arms turn into Gatling lasers and she waits for them to open the pod[/b] [spoiler]and now I'm stuck playing the waiting game again patients is a virtue that I do not posses[/spoiler]
[b]The crew of the Scavenger gather around the Pod, eager to find out what lies inside. The hatch on it is opened and they peer inside.[/b]
Edited by Kain The Slain: 8/6/2015 5:04:53 AM[b]opens fire killing several of them. She then leaps out with her hard light blades at the ready then begins cutting them down[/b]
[b]You kill the few crew members that were on the Ship, leaving only the pilot, who comes form the cockpit to see what all the noise is about. Upon seeing his dead crew mates, he immediately surrenders, begging for his, and offering to take you anywhere.[/b]
Edited by Kain The Slain: 8/6/2015 5:31:23 AM"Your part of the Echelon fleet correct?"
N-not exactly. What I men to say.... Umm... We just go from... We used I mean... From Station to Station providing materials we get from space debris or scrap... We're not exactly part of the Fleet.
"Can you get me into the fleet?"
You uh... No...... We aren't officially part of Echelon. We're just hired to gather materials for them...
Edited by Kain The Slain: 8/6/2015 6:39:12 PM"Well then ask for permission to board one of their ships"
I'm... They never let us... I mean... We drop it off... They pick it up... I've never even seen one... Please...
"Then tell them your dropping something off and that's how I'll get in"
I... Okay... J-J-Just calm down... They check the station every day at 7 PM, I'll take Y-Y-you right there...
"Calm down I'm not going to hurt you if you do as I say"
"Y-yeah... Okay..." *he goes back to the cockpit and starts up the ship*
[b]she follows him[/b]
"Uhh... We're going that way." *he points towards a what looks like a dot* "That's the drop off station. They have some guards there and if they catch me with you, they'll hunt me down. Y-you gotta try not to get caught, miss... Please."
Edited by Kain The Slain: 8/6/2015 8:28:08 PM"I won't get caught I'll hide in the escape pod and you can drop it off"
"O-o-okay." *He arrives at the station and drops off multiple drop pods* "Looks like you have about 30 minutes until echelon arrives." *he leaves*
[b]Hides one of the pods[/b]
*some time passes, and you hear a ship land, then hear soldiers dragging the pods onto the ship*
[b]remains silent hidden in the pod[/b]
*the small amount of light previously peeking through the cracks fades as you hear the door to the cargo hold closing* *you hear most of the soldiers leave, now only the footsteps of a couple soldiers can be heard* "So boring... No one has the patience to hide in these things, and no one would take the time to bomb these things... Why do I get the dumb job..." "Shut up man. I heard one girl took out an entire station in under an hour the other day. I wanna know that she's not on our ship, so I can sleep sound."
[b]Snickers quietly[/b]
*one approaches your pod, and gets ready to open it, when suddenly, the lights go dark again* "Is the power on the fritz again? Ugh. Guess I'll just wait for it to come back."
[b]jumps out of the pod and past the guards and scrambles into a vent[/b]