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8/5/2015 10:42:19 PM
Read the entire post. Good on the frustrations part. Bad on the "I'm entitled" part. So here's the simple enough truth: #1. Ten years ago? Gamers reacted even more lividly and with more passion then what you just demonstrated. This was ok and not ok, but the thing to understand is that this is #1 because it is the starting point. The journey will be completed at #5. #2. Five years ago? Gamers reacted with just as livid and tenacious attitude AND passion then demonstrated in #1. This was still ok and not ok. Why? Because it showed gamers want to do stuff in the given universe and if you look into development processes? They COULD do what you ask... so how are they supposed to make it all work, for all the gamers out there, who don't agree with you? See... in the United States? Diversity of opinion rules. Not what a subscriber base states. You know why that is? You could resolve ALL problems i Destiny with a single fell swoop of the issue... or you could wait until another solution presents itself and look like gods and goddesses... or crash and burn as most caught on already. The lesson? Gamers weren't satisfied back then, they aren't now, and they won't be ten years from now. Sounds. like. a. personal. problem. then. Because you? Are LITERALLY the only one who can make YOURSELF happy... #3-5. Repeat number 2 for all remaining numbers.

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