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8/5/2015 7:46:11 PM
They're not forcing you to delete it. I assume you never played an mmo type game, where after expansions some green level items are better than legendary/purple. Do some research... I don't agree with everything bungie does but seeing ppl explode over this is ridiculous. It's no different in any other mmo/rpg. This is not CoD. But please go back to CoD. Side note: not buying the expansion.

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  • Do some research... Okay, here's some research for you, because clearly you have no clue what an MMO is. In an MMO, players work to build their characters, a never-ending "grind", if you will, so that many achieve the highest they can get the game allows. Moreso, they do so in an environment where multiple players are around, and people can join others in taking down big bosses in the game. [b]DESTINY IS NOT A MMO. STOP PRETENDING IT IS.[/b] First, their paltry servers can't even have more than a handful of people on at a time. When was the last time you played with someone outside your state or region? Most of the players on my server: Illinois, Indiana, or Ohio. Wow, let me just wave to those "West coasters" out there I'll never get to play with. Moreso, most MMOs put a staggering amount of exp requirements for players in order to draw out DLC time until the next one is released. In Destiny, most players will have their characters [b]maxed[/b] within a few days. Then what? Oh, right. Spend that time building up every weapon or armor they get after this.. I don't know what MMOs you play, but I don't recall spending hours upon hours trying to get my iron sword attributes unlocked from exp I've earned many weeks or months ago. The mere fact Destiny doesn't even allow matchmaking on [i]THE CRITICAL PART OF THE GAME WHICH SHOULD HAVE IT[/i] should be a wake-up call to people like you this isn't an MMO. What MMO forces people to create groups before taking down enemies? Hell, even Zenimax is smart enough to allow players to just hop into a public dungeon run without needing a group to join. Bungie? Can't seem to figure this out, forcing its players to create groups, and then allows the group to play a game invested by many for $100. That's just stupid. I will also point out most MMOs give players [b]ample storage[/b] for all their gear. Ample means so much, most players have room to spare. [b]It is impossible to keep the best armor and gear in Destiny[/b] because its vault size is smaller than anything I've ever seen in a game. Bungie's excuse for this? Derp, XBox 360 memory cap prevents a larger space. Give me a second to roll my eyes. There's absolutely no excuse for this disaster of a management system and to call this game an MMO is an insult to MMOs. Hell, I won't even call it an RPG, because this means stats I should be able to control. Instead, we get a few circles, attributes clearly limiting character growth because grinding is the purpose, not character building. It's why every Hunter looks the same. Every Titan looks the same. Every Warlock looks the same. What, you think coloring armor makes them different? Give me a break. In an MMO, I can meet two people playing identical character types, wearing identical armor, but have completely different skills which sets them apart. In Destiny, pick a Hunter, any Hunter, and try to tel me what's different about them. Stop apologizing for this game. While the OP may be a bit dramatic in his post, the message is spot on and I completely agree with the video. Year One was a waste. Bungie got us to "throw money at the screen". Our reward is a slap in the face with even more promises "This game will be better. We swear!" When are you apologists going to realize these promises are vaporware? Throw down $40 and repeat the same six areas over and over again while you "RPGMMO" lie to yourself. Bungie blew it. They know it. Some of us know it. Yet apologists like you continue to throw money at the screen because "Dangzors! Bestest game evar!!" No, it's not. Bungie should give every single Year One player the Taken King fee of charge because [b]PLAYERS ALREADY PAID FOR A GAME THEY HAVE YET TO RECEIVE[/b]. School's out, kid. Hope you've learned something.

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  • I didnt read all that. Don't be mad at me because bungie is changing things. I get it, I truly do. But I'm my opinion they are moving things toward an mmo style, thus the change in weapons and leveling. Even though we have not heard from bungie yet. No they won't call their fps an mmo, but given the upcoming changes you have to see the similarities. As I said in my first post I won't be buying this expansion, not because of me not being able to carry a particular gun, but because of principal alone. (Different subject) Can get mad at me all you want but its bungie making the changes... Like it or not.

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  • as if I ever played cul of doody...

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  • This game has a really, really, tiny weapon pool compared to other even free MMO'S. Plus on Destiny you play a entire year with a weapon and then suddenly it becomes obsolete. And there is a big chance that the new TTK weapons are alot less good perk wise, let alone the feeling you get shooting it. So stop comparing Destiny with the regular MMO.

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  • I'm not, but it is the direction they seem to be going.

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  • Yes you did!!!

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  • Mmo type game.... Ok Not sure of the anger? but most 12-18 yr olds are angry these days Destiny is changing gotta live with it ... Ah well

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  • I am not angry at all, you were just not telling the truth. And you say go back to cod... like you mean it in a positive way, yeah right. Get out of here....

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  • This is not an mmo. Its a revenue stream for Activision. And while they aren't forcing us to delete anything, why would i keep obsolete weapons that serve no purpose with this miniscule "vault"? This is a revenue tactic. Nothing more.

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  • Because apparently you love them so much? I love that this stuffs being left behind. I miss the excitement and curiosity of drops. I miss testing and figuring out which gun makes you excel. I think it will ad excitement back into the game. It woukd be cool though to have a trophy room where you can put guns in a display case.

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  • How does the old stuff still being in the game and relevant take away from that at all? I don't understand this logic people have.

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  • Well you know there isnt a better legendary hand cannon then fatebringer, so when you get a hand cannon you know its shit compared to fatebringer. Now you have to try out weapons and find the new gems of the game.

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  • The strength of the new weapons should be the deciding factor of new weapons. Not making my old weapons useless. That reeks of their inability to design a coherent game.

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  • Exactly. They're so lazy with the weapons, all they are good at is artwork, its no wonder they spend so much time showing that aspect of the game off to the public.

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  • ^this is the core of the argument. if the new gear was better than the old no one would care that their Fatebringers, Shadow Prices and Corrective Measures were going to be obsolete anyway. all I can figure is that the day one weapons are too powerful and have to go to make way for the new junk in TTK.

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  • Or they were simply too lazy to figure out how to introduce new weapons that could stand on their own merit for impressing players, so instead they use the arbitrary attribute of "max damage" to render older things weaker by comparison. Zero creativity at all on their part.

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  • Yes. To me it seems that they have already run out of design space and have to wipe the slate clean to make room for the sane stuff we've been using or else what's the point

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  • And this is not a PC mmo, and there are many more that do allow you to upgrade your weapons in one form or another, so your entire argument is moot. You're going to tell him to leave and go play COD when your argument is the weaker of the two....priceless. Another SCRUB muted lol

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