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8/5/2015 7:15:31 PM

The problem with making Legendaries Obsolete.

I am a collector at heart. I am sentimental. I want to collect the new weapons. But i want my old weapons to be relevant. The VAULT OF GLASS is no small feat in terms of lore. Neither was the killing of Crota, an apparent god. To take those rewards and level them up. Then pull them from your vault to apply Etheric Light that you worked for... only to have them tossed in the trash because three months later there's some newer stuff? What's the point in using Etheric Light at all? What is the point in getting it? What is the point in taking a 300 Vision of Confluence and upgrading it to 365? There is no point. Because they will all be obsolete. So the entirety of HoW was just a waste of time. That is a giant kick in the nuts to those who have been here since the beginning. And some kid who just bought the collectors edition can breeze up through to the best gear, skipping all of the raids and not requiring the etheric light or shards. I had a list of things i wanted to collect. All of the different raid gear for each class. All of the exotics, all of the weapons i thought looked cool etc etc. The main point: Playing Destiny right now has almost no point to it unless it is for the pure enjoyment of doing it with friends... and a good few of us dont play with friends constantly. Everything Destiny is right now is obtaining gear or gathering materials to increase the weapons/gears power. Which is pointless because it will be to NO PURPOSEFUL END. And to anyone saying Destiny is an MMO. You're wrong. It has SOME features similar to an mmorpg. But thus far... they have made it so we can bring our beloved weapons that we spent so much time progressing with us along our journey. Most mmorpgs dont require you to level up your own gear. Most mmorpgs dont require you to change the method of how you progress multiple times.

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  • 100% agree. At the bare minimum raid weapons should be upgradable. Just when Taken king was starting to look good with the new loot and leveling system they make the old raids once again obsolete just to force people into the new stuff. It's absoluetly idiotic because for alot of people the "old" raids will be new content and what's the point in having them there if the loot will be useless? Looks like Bungie hasn't learned a thing since doing the same thing with VoG in year one...let me guess, they will introduce an update at a later date making the old raids relevant again? Bunch of -blam!-ing idiots...just when I Thought TTK was going to get me back into Destiny Bungie managed to -blam!- it up.

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  • To be honest I feel like raid gear could be its own tier of weapon. Maybe that's a terrible idea but I just thought of it. Most other legendaries are generic, and there aren't many Destiny raids to go around. For gear from an activity many have not completed to go obsolete is somewhat disappointing. Even if a lot of people have raided, many have not. So it would still be cool to be able to practically use raid gear. When the new good guns come out, there could be some actual variety. I know I can't expect to use the same guns forever, but I wouldn't mind this if there were more variety in the first place. Getting rid of the old to replace it with new guns of the same quantity doesn't really fix the problem. It just makes you "need" the new guns.

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    2 Replies
    • Edited by FritoZ: 8/6/2015 4:33:27 AM
      this is a well though out post and I applaud you for taking the time to be rational instead of simply railing against Bungie. Anyone who gives you crap or is rude to you for having a different opinion than you is not worth your time, mute them. If someone can disagree with you like a mature individual, and maybe even give reasons why they disagree, then those are solid guardians. we are all fans of the game! but as soon as one person has a different opinion, the rage and hate guardians come out in droves. sad really, but at least it gets them out in the open so i can mute them. And anyone who uses terms like, but not limited to: get gud noob rekt trash idiot stupid kid please reply here so i can personally remove you from my forum

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    • What about a transmog feature? Ex: new handcannon but craft it with the aesthetic of say... Fatebringer

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      • Edited by SNC B Chill: 8/6/2015 4:42:54 AM
        Etheric light was just an artificial way to inflate HoW play time since it has almost no content worth playing, now they are inflating playtime again by making you get all new guns or chasing the carrot on the string, I'm over it, would rather play a game that has solid game play and re-playability as well as the ability to keep the items we grew attached to and are nostalgic to us, however if Bungie doesn't allow us to upgrade items again it's just another artificial way to grind out all new gear on the same repetitious stuff and I'm over that. I don't mind getting new gear to compliment my old stuff with more vault space.

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      • Thus is why I am taking a break till TTK comes out.

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      • Bump

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      • I feel you I'm a collector too. I'm ok with switching it up eventually I just wish there was more vault space or a trophy room where prized weapons may rest on

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      • Let's not forget.... Oryx is coming because you killed his son, but now it matters not whether you did or not... Idk, seems a tad backasswards to me. It's not a sports title where last season doesn't mean a thing, it's a progressive game where what I have accomplished should carry something with it.

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        • I love how everyone is acting like it took them a year to level their armor and guns up to max. Lvl 30 took me 2 months lvl 32 took me about a week and level 34 took me less then a week. I dont understand how people feel cheated lol. If you dont like what destiny is go play a different game were nothing ever changes and you do the same thing over and over again. Im excited for new guns and new content thats why im paying for the dlc. If destiny wants to last 10 years they have to take from games like WoW and Runescape. You look at both games year one vs current game and the difference is night and day. Thats how games last over a decade.

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          6 Replies
          • How useless will they be? And for how long? Level cap is going to be 40 from what game informer tells us. If I remember correctly, ATK value is essentially level x 10. Meaning a 365 weapon is on par with level 36 enemies. Assuming they don't mess with this ratio, our weapons will not be [i]too[/i] underpowered. Akin to currently using 331 weapons in PoE 34 or 35. So I don't think it will as bad as everyone thinks...

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          • Damn u straight baby gurl

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          • If the new gear is actually exciting, fun, and worthwhile, then people shouldn't feel so bad about putting down their old weapons, just like any decent MMO expansion. Problem is, Destiny has failed at this. Badly.

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          • 1) The only reason ascending was a thing is because people complained. If it was a plan from the beginning it wouldn't have been dropped in as a last minute addition at the end of year one. 2) Destiny is different. That doesn't mean MMO concepts can't apply. (which bungie is clearly applying and you can't disagree on.) 3) the only reason progression has changed is because destiny itself is a new concept that hasn't been done. Destiny even on release is a growing product that is still working out what does and doesn't work. Light level was a different concept. But it didn't work out. So they are going with a more standardized leveling system. One that will probably stick around. The only "bad" thing that comes from this is people are required to move on. Which isn't bad in itself. Just the attitude people choose to take about it. Destiny is a gear based progression game that changes constantly. If you don't like it don't play it. But there are literally tons of good things happening because of these changes. If you want to look at year 1 as a waste of time that's your problem alone and no one elses. I choose to see year one as a year of experiences. A year where the content was relevant and memories were made. A year where I got to see destiny begin and grow into something better. I know people who still run vault of glass just for fun even though the gear stopped being a need. Maybe people should start playing for fun rather then grinding endlessly and getting frustrated that the time they willingly spent on it.

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            6 Replies
            • The game is fun, the grind is not. I've been around long enough to remember "forever 29" and it's not a pleasant memory. I'm looking forward to TTK, but the thought of having to grind all over again is a bit disheartening.

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            • It looks like you're taking this game way too seriously. Just have fun, buddy.

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            • The point of the etheric light was so that you could have "one last ride" with your favorite weapons. I love my Fatebringer, VoC, and Fang of Ir Yut as much as anybody. But as much as I love them, I am excited to see the next batch of guns that I will fall in love with. I will most likely sacrifice most of my current legendary inventory, but those sentimental favorites will still have their moments to relive past glories in the crucible.

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              • Edited by The_Beninator_19: 8/5/2015 8:41:22 PM
                The odd thing is that for the people new to the game buying the collectors edition there really wont be much of a reason to play the two previous raids and poe other than having the experience of doing it. Maybe they run it once just to say they've done it but after that there probably isn't much incentive to play it again which almost makes it seem like the old expansions are a waste to new players

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              • But wont those weapons still be 365 damage? That would mean they still do 100% damage on level 36 and below. The taken king max level is 40. So that leaves only 4 lvls that you would need higher damage guns on. Personally i am looking forward to finding new gear that actually is worth getting instead of just using the same old stuff.

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              • It's time to move on.

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                • Dont collectors usually not use their antiques?

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                  • You have to understand this game is constantly evolving and changing with every dlc/update. To keep the game fresh bungie has to make new stronger weapons to entice you into playing their new content. The best example i can think of is in a game i used to play called runescape the whip was once the best weapon to use in the game. Then new stronger weapons came along and made that weapon much less desired. Its no different here. If your just doing low level content your fatebringer is still useful but for the new content you will want to use the new gear/weapons.

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                    4 Replies
                    • Good post i agree

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                    • Nobody's forced you to lvl up all that gear, it was your choice. Most content can be beaten with sub 365 legendary guns or a couple of exotics. Both raids are pretty trivial challenges, the only real challenges I would say now are skolas and trials. Bungie put ascending in as an option, not a necessity. They are now putting a different option in place, that's all. And don't forget, ever since ascension came in, it all ways said "the highest available in year one." That was a big clue that something else could come along. (It's part of some of these types of games.) They also haven't said the guns will be useless, just that you can't improve them further.

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                    • What if in this new TTK world order they make the old raids relevant again? We still don't even know how this new progression system is going to affect these raids. Will they be around level 20 or will you need to get your guardian up to the current level they are?

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                    • [quote]Most mmorpgs dont require you to change the method of how you progress multiple times.[/quote] This statement invalidates your entire post

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