So bungie just revealed that everybody that will be new to the game will be lvld up to the minimum level of taken king so your saying that our grind was useless all our time invested into this game was for nothing that we could have waited until takken king and saved a lot of time and effort because we would already be the minimum level for it bungie i didn't think you would go this low. Im not even sure if I'll buy taken king this is the last straw.For all the misconception that is going on i love destiny and i will probably buy the next expansion im just a little frustrated that they're giving the new players a lot of things i just want to know you guys opinions.
STOP WHINING.. We had fun getting the gear and grinding for it.. It served it's purposes and I had a blast. I enjoyed every moment of that grind. If you didn't, just GTFO and go play something else and stop polluting these forums with constant crying. There are issues that require legitimate discussions and criticism from us about the game (networking, lag switching, vault spaces etc etc) but constantly whining how you grinded and how you are not appreciated. A lot of us Day 1 players and veteran Destiny players are sick it of it already. We had a year of playing with the guns and had a blast. It's time to move on. If you can't get excited about that instead of whining and crying then go play something else FFS. I have 3300 hours in Destiny and have every single item and gun in the game including tons of other things. I grinded the shit out of this game and had a blast every second of it.. This is not some monumental achievement. It's a game and I had playing it while grinding. If you feel that you deserve a prize for playing the game than you have to rethink your existence. And if you feel that grind is unrewarding and not fun than, again, go play something else.