On Exalin the first time I met him we got into a fight I snapped his knife in half and he ripped out my tooth after that we decided we might as well be friends
He's odd...some kind of corruption about him that fused the elements to his spiritual essence
"Good to know. I was just wondering cause I have his room"
I know
[u]"simulation complete"[/u] "Oh hey have you met my A.I. yet?"
No I haven't
"Well his name is cephalon" [i]"nice to meet you"[/i] [b]the suit holds its hand out[/b]
*shakes its hand* Hi
"I programmed him to assist me on missions"
I can see that
[spoiler]I don't know what to say now[/spoiler]
[spoiler]have fun[/spoiler]
[spoiler]make up something[/spoiler]
That was odd
Want to go do something?
"Like what"
What's your most prized possession?
"This" [b]I hold out a golf club[/b]
Let's play *changes into my wolf form and grabs it then runs*
"Hey!" [b]I start chasing you[/b]