"Now give it back" [b]I hold out my hand[/b]
*keeps holding it*
[b]walks up slowly[/b] "drop it"
*drops it and it's been salivated on*
[b]grabs it[/b] "good boy"
*stays silent*
You're forgetting something
"A belly rub?"
"A treat?"
Your choice
"I don't have any treats but I do have this" [b]I pull out a baked potato[/b]
[b]as you inspect it you realize its a good potato[/b]
Maybe you can carry me around
"To were"
Doesn't matter it's just so I can take naps
"OK" [b]I pick you up[/b]
Why were you carrying around a baked potato?
"Because potato"
That's not exactly an answer but oh well
"That made sense in my head"
Lots of things make sense to yourself until you explain it to others *touches your face*
"Golf club!"