originally posted in:Lamb Squad
Greetings Lambs! =) So I love Destiny, I love PVP, and I love Trials of Osiris. I also love promoting a positive Destiny community, learning, sharing knowledge, and helping people. =) What I lack, however, is the sufficient skill to be able to CARRY friends and folks in our lovely Lamb Squad to the lighthouse. I'd love to gain that level of skill to be able to help those who've never gone 9-0 before, all the way to the lighthouse. If there's a like-minded Lamb out there who's had experience carrying and would like to impart some of your knowledge in the ways of carrying, feel free to send me a message here, on Bungie.net, or on my PSN: BoomKL1NK. Hopefully we can connect, and someday soon I'll be able to help out Ms5000Watts & her friends to help carry more of you guys to the lighthouse!
Stay Positive! =)
Looking for to really good people for trials to carry me so I can get better gear so then next time I can carry my own psn:Dragon_Massacer
Anyone help i ain't bad i went flawless year 1 but im not to good either im and xbox one player gamertag;Titanblood99
For trials specifically, play against players who are better than you and realize they are better than you. You have to learn what makes them better to be able to understand their weakness. Skirmish is definitely a place to start and elimination game mode. Doubles is also a great place to practice. No one can carry by themselves so I suggest finding a reliable second to help you carry one at a time. Your second has to compliment your strengths and alleviate your weakness. The guy that I do trials with and we carry he rushes and I play objectively making sure all angle are covered. Practice practice practice makes perfect. Call outs are a big plus. Also, not being afraid to use the "OP" guns. You won't be a noob you're just playing the game the way it's meant to be played.
I would enjoy a couple partners for trials when I'm done at the gym c: would use my warlock
PS3 carry? Please?
Yehh ill have a carry lol, been 8-1 3 weeks in a row getting bored of it now
Yeah, can people help me plz? PS3 Psn: jayrandirene2318
Are you ps3 or ps4?
Plz help me need one
I'm on Xbox and can't get a team GT: AquaphobicWhale
im on xbox and cant get a team :(
For anyone that needs help on playstation myself and zealousendeavor run people through trials everyweekend...we try to help everyone but we get alot of messages and trials is never here long enough lol oh and kl1nk just send me a message on here or psn and ill add you as a friend. Could always use help running people cause we start getting tired after about 4 or 5 runs :D
No!!! Why playstation?
Edited by King: 8/9/2015 1:01:58 AMI love to see other people who like to help others. On that note, the best advice i could give is to practice hard on your sniping skills and your call outs. It is implied that there should always be a "Captain" in every Trials team who leads the strategies and adjusts according to how the other team is playing. You can also practice your Captain skills with friends while playing Skirmish. However, its not something to be taken lightly. Being the Captain is hard and takes a strategic mind. You need to be flexible, and above all, keep yourself from becoming salty in any match. Tilt (or saltiness) is very toxic and dangerous for every single player in the team and must be avoided. So, the Captain must also provide a positive and healthy atmosphere. Notice i mentioned your sniping skills earlier. You should hang back (if its safe for your teammates) and be mindful of enemy flanks, mixups, etc. Sniping can also deny the enemy of their revives and serves as a defensive strategy. With all these things in mind, i wish you the best in your trials runs. :) if you ever want to run a few trials matches with me to get a sense of what im talking about, feel free to add me. Psn is guitaristklub16
Awesome message! New to the Lamb Squad but been following Ms5oooWatts for some time now! Never been to the lighthouse but definitely want to! Add me