"I like it, how about you" [b]I look at the suit[/b]
[i]"what ever you like"[/i] [b]it says[/b]
"Thank you. If I may, I have some experience with bots, and I'd be welcome to helping you make modifications to him. You have helped me remember a good friend." I say, and my finger hits a hidden button on the dagger. Out of a gem on the bottom, a video starts playing. [b][i]"You ready Akkar?" The holder says. "Of course I'm ready, I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't. Hey, what's that noise". You hear me say, and the ship goes down. The video continues of us on the ground (me and Cephalon). "They've got us pinned." I say "I'll try to loosen them up" and I lob a grenade over. "Akkar, go." Cephalon (the holder) says, and picks up a rifle, killing about 14 men before dying. I kill the rest with my sword and dagger. "No. No. NO!!!! Cephalon!" I shout, and the image is distorted by water, and it then shuts off.[/i][/b] "Well, that's what happened."
"Well I'm honored. A.I. add cephalon to name folder" [i]"right away"[/i]