So I picked clash and I ran into a lobby of all low levels and all auto rifles. :) I whipped my Summoner and went ham. It was the most fun I've had in Crucible since the [i]reign of Thorn.[/i]
I've been going ham with the Low Down P-XIV from the Crucible vendor and it's such a nice change of pace. And come one, you can't get that mad being killed by an under powered weapon class.
- I can't wait for my shadow price to be worth everything people say it is performance wise and rarity wise.
Pest Control Matrix with Focused Fire.
Auto rifle. Supercool for the homeless.
The Summoner is a face magnet. It's great.
I'll be happier when going into Crucible with a Scout Rifle isn't the closest thing to having a noose at the ready.
I can't wait to break in my Hard Light and Necrochasm in September. Brand new, maxed, never used.
Shhhhh I have had people join in play with auto rifles and they start losing and they pull out the try hard weapons
I know right! I ran hardlight this whole Iron Banner and had a blast.
Yup! I've been playing with Suros and Hard Light lately just for S and G's. It's been the most fun I've had lately. Break the shackles of "you should use this gun because it's seriously OP right now"!
Bump for the ARs