I just don't feel the couple seconds of extra grenades and a few orbs is worth using it
Now if there are orbs everywhere, that is a completely different story. Or if the squad really needs orbs for something (like the beginning of hard crota)
I just really like having the self rez in the bank for hard raids because if I die I'm dead for good. A good self rez can save a run. And you can make your goons orbs when you revive.
The buffs radiance applies are NOT THAT GOOD for pve. They are good, but not worth throwing away a second life on hard raid.
didn't say this was for hard raid :3 in fact I said it was best for outside endgame activities
Edited by TheWagn: 8/5/2015 5:50:58 AMI'm just too biased for self rez haha I don't really see song or skin really being worth it in pve To each his own though. I completely understand not using it at all. Just fits my playstyle. I'm very conservative. I feel like I play so much better with a safety net. On warlock I tend to use my abilities to escape danger. Self rez helps me escape from death. Also outside of endgame activities, who the hell cares what you run? You can just steamroll through things. And I do use radiance when I'm alive. I just like that perk for safety. High intellect brings it right back. On another note, I have been dying to play around with song in trials.
well when ppl run Self Rez, they very rarely use their super at all, which is a huge waste IMO
Edited by TheWagn: 8/5/2015 6:13:57 AMIf they aren't using it in non-endgame activities then I would say yes that is kind of a waste. I could care less though. Darn them not saving a few seconds of my time by not making me orbs. Let em have their rez. I just get to shoot more stuff. Also I know I sound like I'm being a pain but this is indeed an excellent post. I've been wondering about how effective song can be in pvp.
thank you very much. took 12 hours to edit, and a few weeks of gathering data (causally lol). I try my hardest for every upload. no silly engram openings or trailer uploads