Loved this series (except nuts and bolts of course) and was wondering if anyone else wants a GOOD sequel to the series. A pure platform game that's like the original games. Plus has anyone even heard of a sequel coming any time soon?
I was such a big fan of the series growing up and when the remakes were released on xbox? I bought both and 100%ed all of them again. The game never got old and just loved the goofy story and gameplay. It was like Super Mario 64 but a goofier and well designed game
I actually really liked nuts and bolts, and think it would have gotten less hate if it wasn't a banjo kazooie game.
Love the series, but I haven't played Nuts and Bolts. As far as I know they're not working on a sequel, they're just sitting on it but have said they have plans for it. However, if you haven't heard, you may want to look up Yooka-Laylee, it's a spiritual successor made by the original creators of BK who left Rare. Honestly, I think - but know it will never happen - Microsoft should sell BK to Playtonics, or buy them and let them handle both franchises. Clearly Microsoft hasn't been doing much with BK so there's really no point in owning it.
I enjoyed them all...even nuts and bolts....Microsoft owns it know right? Probably never a good sequel again : (