I get that, in light of all of the horrific events at the hands of cops, that the black lives matter tag has taken up a need, but while we're talking injustices to a people, can we look at this from a different perspective?
Black lives matter, right? What about life? Does all life matter, or is it just black lives? And if it is only black lives, why is it okay for black on black crime to be committed, but as soon as a white guy kills a black guy, it's automatically racism?
If we're going to talk past injustices to a people, why aren't we focusing on a people that have suffered through worse than black people as sort of a comparison?
For instance, the jews (ethnicity, not religion, so technically, the isrealy)?
They've been enslaved four times, and we're almost completely wiped off the face of the planet less than a century ago (for those of you who don't actually know what I'm talking about, over six million jews died in WWII). Why don't Jewish lives matter?
The Aztec and Incan societies were literally wiped off the face of the planet. Why didn't their lives matter?
So I guess the burning question is, why do black lives matter so much more than anybody else?
They shouldn't, because it's not just black lives that matter, it's all life.
Irish people were the first people enslaved and brought to America.