Title says it all. Were you banned for no reason or did you deserve what you got?
Here are the qualifications for each poll option:
Innocent - someone who has never backed out of a game before it started, never lagswitched or played with a lagswitcher. Innocent people often carry others to the Lighthouse because they're a good person.
Guilty - the dirtiest of them all. You cheated and you aren't afraid to admit it. You are looked upon as a scumbag by the community and you still hold your head up high knowing so.
Tear Collector - you're here to collect enough tears to finish the bounty. This bounty is locked out for those who were guilty, and those who claim their false innocence.
[b]To clarify, I am also a tear collector. 3,200/10,000.[/b]
I constantly get messages stating I'm getting reported. Yet I have a green bar throughout and never lag. Then I reply to them with a picture of myself landing at the lighthouse giving them a good ol wave. I know they would've reported me and it makes my trials runs that much better because I've never ever been banned and still doing my flawless every week :D [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url]