"You may be better when it comes to tech but when it comes to weapons and combat I'm better"
Eh.... Maybe better than Ginger, or even Murph. But me? I'd have to say no.
Comms: *cough cough "Atlas Tech" *cough cough*
"Wanna bet?"
My pleasure. [b]I start walking towards the Training Area[/b] Name your bet.
"I'll give you access to blueprints and data on my cybernetics"
Hmm.... Alright. And if you win, I'll give you your own Scouters, free to tinker with as you like. Or, you I'll perform the Genesis Operation.
"I like the sound of the Genesis operation"
Good. If you win, I'll make you one of us.
[b]she steps into the arena and robotic tendril like appendages come out of her back with hard light blades on the ends of them [/b]
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[spoiler]you make it[/spoiler]