i honestly don't know if i want to show this to tumblr or not.
EDIT: if this is already on tumblr can someone send me a link to it?
No need. Last year, on 4th of July, a post on Tumblr encouraged users to attack 4chan with nice stuff. Pissing off 4Chan was the worst mistake Tumblr has ever made, because 4chan spammed feminism, kitten, fandom tags with gore, porn or gory porn. But some say that a 4chan user created the original Tumblr post, knowing that 4chan would hit back twice as hard. Apparently 2 suicides occurred because of the attacks. Heh. Tumblr of course. Just Google "Tumblr 4Chan independence day battle". Tumblr is the popular kid. 4Chan is that one really, really vulgar kid. B.net is that one kid off to the side watching all this shit go down. Reddit is the unlikable kid trying too hard. Myspace is that one guy who used to be cool, because he is the definition of all those past cool things. Twitter is... I have no clue. A bit cooler than B.net? Facebook... Again no clue. Almost as popular as Tumblr? That's my summary of them anyways.
Showed this to my friend and mother, can't wait to show it to my father who is a cop.
Too mature for this petty bullshit, don't you have anything [i]better[/i] to do? Go out side, read a book, play a video game but most importantly [b]stay in your own lane[/b]
The video got taken down before I could watch it
pls bump
We should wage ultimate war against them. I say it's time for a raid
"you're under arrest" "no im not" u -blam!-ing wot bitch
God no
Can 4chan or anon pdos that website already
Link it to me i want to see what tumblr has to say about this
Edited by NaLo: 8/7/2015 9:56:30 AMWhat part of tumblr? The neo-[url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url]? The car bloggers? The nsfw blogs? The anarchists/gun nuts? Oh wait when you talk about tumblr you only think of those idiot sjws which are actually a minority of the sites users. Tumblr is not a person.
3 people... 3 corners of a triangle.... Giant eye on the shirt ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED
I love it when people try to be smartasses to police officers and end up looking like jackasses in the end
I actually have sympathy for that guy after this video. Never thought I would say that about a cop. Lol. Chick is an absolute nutcase.
So there are definitely drugs in the bag, right?
1. Articles of Confederation was the first document written by the forefathers of the United States and is now deemed null. 2. The Articles of Confederation was burned for being a piece of shit document. 3. Free folk or whatever the the -blam!- are not received as sovereign
Edited by Ops R4ng3r: 8/6/2015 12:38:15 AMThis is great
Lmfao free inhabitant the territory that lady claimed to be free on is owned by the US
Screaming at cops in the hot sun, I fought the law and the law won...
Tumblr is only good for porn. Lol
"We have all the rights but don't have to follow the laws." One had the [u]right[/u] to purchase items from a store assuming they obey the [u]law[/u] and paw for their items, but apparently she's above that. So in her mindset, she doesn't have to pay for anything, she doesn't have to work for anything, and she can steal and murder whomever she wants. What an idiot.
Wha- how is this a thing