[spoiler]just s scale, how immune to alcohol is your character?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]this'll be fun. [/spoiler] The world around you starts to change. The furniture starts spinning, and it seems to start floating. You swear I'm growing two extra arms and a pink moustache, that the room starts extending. Suddenly everything disappears and you're flying. A massive dragon like beast appears in front of you, swallows you, and you black out. You feel someone slapping you. "Wake up. I thought you couldn't die!0 I shout at you.
"You know I always loved you" [b]I mumble[/b]
"Damn it." I say, carrying you to the med-bay. [spoiler]should I start a new post for us at the med-bay.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]sure[/spoiler] "Your like the pregnecy I never drank Mr. Dog"
[spoiler]new post[/spoiler]