I'm a bay personally. Long sandy shoreline and a variety of marine life in my depths. People come fishing occasionally, but overall it's pretty cool.
Have you got crabs
Wheres the option for "who gives a -blam!-?"
60/40 seems a lot. Guessing some trolls?
lol...Def a grill, lol. <3 #grill #immagrill #grillsuselolalot #imnotsurewhatimdoinganymore #cats #lotsofcats #imlonely #putyourmeatinme
I fish in a bay and cook what I find on a grill. so, both? I have a feeling that's a bad thing
Based on my name, what do you think?
I'm a premium George Foreman grill
Obviously a potato
I was a bay until the operation.
i'm an attack helicopter
I like bacon